Reference checking directory for financial services and credit industries

This directory may be useful for financial services and credit businesses carrying out reference checks.

The directory includes links to ASIC registers, other ASIC resources and service providers holding information that may be appropriate for reference checks.

ASIC registers

Search ASIC's registers for information on companies, persons, documents, and more.

Other ASIC searches

Media releases covering a wide range of ASIC activities including enforcement activities.

Professional industry associations

These organisations enable the checking of professional qualifications and may provide registers and/or media releases with information on disciplinary action and current inquiries or investigation.

Professional industry associations that are most likely to be used:

Criminal history checks

Applications should be made to the appropriate police body.

Australian Federal Police (includes ACT) for National Police Checks and the Spent Conviction Scheme. See also:


The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) maintains a register of individuals it has disqualified from holding prudentially significant roles within the authorised deposit-taking, general insurance and superannuation industries.


ASIC approved information brokers provide information for reference checking purposes.

Note: ASIC does not endorse any particular broker.

Bankruptcy searches

Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) is the government agency that administrates and regulates the personal insolvency system in Australia and operates the bankruptcy registry.

More information

For further information, see:

Note: Some service providers may charge for their information.

What's new

More financial services releases

ASIC industry funding

Last updated: 20/10/2014 12:00