How life insurance companies and benefit fund friendly societies lodge unclaimed money claims

When a consumer finds that they are entitled to unclaimed money provided to ASIC by a life insurance company or a benefit fund friendly society (life company/friendly society), they should contact the life company/friendly society to begin their claim. When the life company/friendly society is satisfied that the person is entitled to the unclaimed money, the life company/friendly society will make a claim to ASIC on behalf of the entitled person. The Life Insurance Act 1995 requires ASIC to pay the money to the life company/friendly society, which must then pay the entitled person.

The information provided on this page is to assist life companies/friendly societies to make a claim to ASIC.

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How a life company/friendly society lodges a claim

As a life company/friendly society, once you are satisfied that a customer is entitled to the unclaimed money, you must make a claim to ASIC for the return of those funds.

The claim must be:

  1. made with a CSV claim form, and
  2. lodged by the CSV form.

Upon receiving the claim, providing the CSV claim form is in the required format, it will be processed and the funds returned to the life company/friendly society.

CSV claim form

A CSV claim form is an Excel spreadsheet and contains:

Header record: Where the life company’s/friendly society’s information is entered (row 1).

Detail record/s: Where the unclaimed money record is entered (rows 2, 3, etc).

Original Transaction Numbers (OTN): A unique number to identify the unclaimed money record. Each Detail record must have an OTN and these can be located by searching for the unclaimed money record on MoneySmart.

To make an Excel spreadsheet into a CSV claim form you will need to save it as a comma delimited file format (.csv). To do this, use ‘save as’ to change the spreadsheet type to .csv.

Unclaimed Money Life Company Report

The CSV claim form has a specific format that must be complied with for ASIC’s system to receive and process the claim. Our downloadable guide to the CSV claim form includes the information to be included and the required format.

Download the Guide to the Life Insurance Act claims form (PDF)

It is advisable to check that your CSV claim form:

  • has a Header record
  • has correct totals in the Header record
  • includes Original Transaction Numbers for all Detail records
  • has the policy number
  • has names in the correct columns for the life insured and the policy owner; and
  • includes the date the policy became due.

Lodging the CSV claim form

Once you have completed your CSV claim form you can lodge it by email.

Your email should use this wording:


Subject: Life insurance company/Friendly society unclaimed money claims for [insert your company]

[Your life insurance company/friendly society name]

I certify that the entitlement of the claimant/s in this attached CSV claim form to the policy proceeds has been established to the life insurance company’s/friendly society’s satisfaction and that the money will be paid to the named person.

It is therefore requested that the refund be made in terms of section 216 of the Life Insurance Act 1995.

<Name of person submitting the email>

<Position of person>

<Contact phone number>

Lodging your CSV claim form by email assists ASIC in processing the claim as quickly as possible.

As a life company/friendly society, if you have internal privacy or security policies which would prevent you making your claim by email with an attached CSV claim form, please send an email to outlining:

  • details as to why you can’t use the email process; and
  • what alternative you propose so that the information can be provided to ASIC electronically, but complying with your security/privacy policy.

We will consider these issues on a case-by-case basis.

Receiving payment of the claim

If you have previously provided us with bank account details, the payment will be forwarded by electronic fund transfer to that account and you will be notified. If we do not have your account details, a cheque will be posted to your contact address.

If you would like to provide us with your bank account details, please request an EFT details notification form by emailing

Receiving payment of the claim

If you have previously provided us with bank account details, the payment will be forwarded by electronic fund transfer to that account and you will be notified. If we do not have your account details, a cheque will be posted to your contact address.

If you would like to provide us with your bank account details, please request an EFT details notification form by emailing

Payment of interest on claims

From 1 July 2013 when uncliamed money is paid to a claimant, the Commonwealth of Australia will also pay interest. Both the original amounts and the iterest must be paid to the claimant.

A detailed payment summary will be provided within 5 working days of the payment to assist in identifying the original and interest amounts.

The amount of interest and the method of calculating the interest is determed by Regulations.

An example of an interest calculation is available on the MoneySmart website.

Contact us

Contact the Unclaimed Money Unit:

by phone: 1300 300 630
by email:

Postal address:

Unclaimed Money Unit
Australian Securities & Investments Commission
GPO Box 9827
Melbourne VIC 3001

More information

Last updated: 19/03/2024 06:22