How to lodge unclaimed money under the Corporations Act

An unclaimed money return is where an entity provides to ASIC unclaimed money in accordance with the law. Companies, liquidators and financial product providers forward unclaimed money to ASIC under several sections of the Corporations Act 2001 when money paid to them is not claimed (company unclaimed money).

This page contains:

Specific information is available for entities lodging unclaimed money in compliance with the Banking Act 1959 and the Life Insurance Act 1995:

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What unclaimed money can ASIC accept under the Corporations Act?

Money can be identified as company unclaimed money and forwarded to ASIC in the following circumstances:

  • there is unclaimed consideration after a compulsory acquisition of securities (s668A and 668B)
  • a company cannot contact a shareholder for more than six years (s1343)
  • a responsible entity of a managed investment scheme cannot contact a member for more than six years (s1343A)
  • money has been paid to a financial product provider for a financial product that cannot be issued and the money cannot be returned (s1017E)
  • there is money which is the property of a deregistered company (s601AD(2))
  • there is money which is the property of a deregistered company, the company having held that property as trustee (s601AD(1A))
  • there is unclaimed money after the winding up of a managed investment scheme (s601NG)
  • there is unclaimed money after the liquidation of a company (s544)
  • there is unclaimed money after a Part 5 scheme of arrangement or contract (s414)

How to lodge a return for unclaimed money under the Corporations Act

You can lodge your return of company unclaimed money by:

  1. completing a CSV return form
  2. lodging the CSV return form by email to
  3. await confirmation from unclaimed money that your CSV return form meets our requirements and has been accepted for lodgement
  4. our accepted email will provide you with the relevant EFT details to facilitate a transfer to finalise the lodgement.

Note: Each type of company unclaimed money can have different requirements. Before completing your CSV return form it is suggested that you consider the information provided for the section that applies to your unclaimed money.

How to prepare and lodge the CSV return form

The CSV return form has a specific format that must be complied with for ASIC’s system to receive and process the return.

Excel templates are available below for the following sections:

Our downloadable guide to the CSV return form includes the information to be included and the required format.

Download the Guide to the Corporations Act CSV returns form (PDF)

Making payment to ASIC

You will receive email confirmation that your CSV return form has been accepted and details of how you can make payment will be provided.

If the payment of the unclaimed money is not received by ASIC within 5 business days of ASIC’s email your return may be rejected.

Note: If you are lodging a CSV return form to provide ASIC with records under section 668A of the Corporations Act you do not need to make any payment at this time. See further s668A and s668B.

Lodging a nil return 

If you have no unpaid consideration following a compulsory acquisition you must lodge a nil return.

Where to go if you have unclaimed money that ASIC cannot accept

A number of state bodies also collect unclaimed money under state legislation. See our consumer website, Moneysmart for more information about money held by state bodies.

If you have not been able to identify that the unclaimed money is payable to ASIC you may wish to consider whether a state body can receive the money.

Contact us

Contact the Unclaimed Money Unit:

by phone: 1300 300 630
by email:

Postal address:

Unclaimed Money Unit
Australian Securities & Investments Commission
GPO Box 9827
Melbourne VIC 3001

More information

Lodging other unclaimed money returns

Last updated: 19/03/2024 09:44