CS 17 Proposed updates to the ASIC Derivative Trade Repository Rules 2023
Released 10 March 2025. Comments close 8 April 2025.
We propose to amend the ASIC Derivative Trade Repository Rules 2023 (2023 DTR Rules) to:
- re-reference the changed location of definitions in the Corporations Act 2001 (Act) which have been moved by the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023, and
- make other minor administrative updates.
In particular, we propose to:
- update two definitions under Rule 1.2.3 to reflect the changed location of definitions under the Act
- remove six definitions under Rule 1.2.3 that duplicate definitions provided under the Act and a related note under Rule 1.2.2, and
- correct an erroneous reference under Rule 2.4.4.
We consider that these changes are minor and machinery.
See Related links below for a copy of the draft amendment instrument.
A consultation paper was not issued for this consultation.
Providing feedback
We invite feedback on our proposals. You should send your submission to otcd@asic.gov.au by 5 pm on 8 April 2025.
You may choose to remain anonymous or use an alias when providing feedback. However, if you do remain anonymous we will not be able to contact you to discuss your feedback should we need to.
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