Lodging prospectuses and other disclosure documents

You must lodge your disclosure document with ASIC before it can be used to raise funds. For more information see Regulatory Guide 254 Offering securities under a disclosure document (RG 254).

This page contains:

Lodge through the ASIC Regulatory Portal

You should lodge your fundraising disclosure documents with ASIC through the ASIC Regulatory Portal.

Applications for relief should also be submitted through the ASIC Regulatory Portal. Fees will apply to an application and details about payment options are provided in the portal. For more information see, how you apply for relief.

The portal features structured online transactions with mandatory fields and questions that make it easier for you to provide the information ASIC requires. Links to the relevant ASIC regulatory guidance are included.

You can no longer use ‘OFFERlist Entry’ to record summary information about your offer for exposure to the public. 

Details of your offer will be shown on the public Offer Notice Board, as part of the portal lodgement process.

Offer Notice Board was formerly known as ‘OFFERlist’.

For more information, see How you lodge fundraising and corporate finance documents.


Last updated: 20/10/2014 12:00