Sustainability reporting: Further regulatory resources and news

ASIC is developing regulatory guidance on sustainability reporting and will soon consult on a draft regulatory guide. In time, we will also update other regulatory guides over a range of regulatory topics impacted by the sustainability reporting regime.  

ASIC regulatory resources

Regulatory guides

Information sheets

Reports and Consultation Papers

Media releases

Articles and speeches

For further information, visit our Regulatory resources page, which provides guidance as to how we interpret, and exercise our powers under, other applicable legislation.

Other useful resources

Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024 (see Schedule 4)

Australian Government, The Treasury, Sustainable Finance Strategy: Sustainable Finance Strategy |

Australian Government, The Treasury, Sustainable Finance Roadmap: Sustainable Finance Roadmap |

CSIRO / BOM State of the Climate

Australia National Climate Risk Assessment

Resources that may assist Australian businesses with greenhouse gas emissions calculations: 

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water: Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors For individuals and organisations estimating greenhouse gas emissions February 2023 Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors (

Clean Energy Regulator: NGER calculators | Clean Energy Regulator (

Last updated: 23/09/2024 05:25