Liquidators appointed by the Supreme Court of NSW
On 16 May 2017, the Supreme Court of NSW made orders winding up and appointing liquidators to Courtenay House Trading Group Pty Ltd and Courtenay House Pty Ltd (Courtenay House Companies).
ASIC sought the appointment of a liquidator so that the affairs of the companies can be wound up in an orderly manner for the benefit of all creditors.
The liquidators are Said Jahani and Peter McInerney of Grant Thornton.
The liquidators now have now have control over the assets and business of Courtenay House Trading Group Pty Ltd and Courtenay House Pty Ltd. If you would like information about what the winding up of the Courtenay House companies will mean for you and your investment funds please contact Grant Thornton, care of:
Mr Fraser Wilkinson
Phone: (02) 8297 2698
Further information in relation to liquidation can be found in ASIC's Information Sheet INFO 45 Liquidation: a guide for creditors.
As result of liquidators being appointed on 16 May 2017, the Court dissolved the orders made on 1 May 2017 in respect of the Courtenay House Companies.
Asset preservation orders and orders restraining the carrying on of a financial services business remain in place until 4 September 2017, or until further order, in respect of the following:
- Tony Iervasi;
- David Sipina;
- Athan Papoulias;
- Proactive Property Services Pty Ltd;
- Sipina Enterprises Pty Ltd; and
- Pty Ltd.
The orders preventing Mr Iervasi from leaving Australia also remain in place until 4 September 2017, or until further order.