Requests for visits to ASIC by foreign delegations
ASIC will usually only accept delegations from international organisations, foreign regulators and law enforcement agencies. However, we do consider requests from non-government or non-regulatory agencies in exceptional circumstances.
Requests for visits to ASIC require detailed topics for discussion and/or questions. We will generally not provide an overview of ASIC's functions and/or the Australian regulatory system.
Any meetings arranged will usually be of one to two hours duration with each relevant operational area. ASIC will not accommodate visits for several days duration other than in exceptional circumstances.
ASIC will identify the appropriate staff to meet with your delegation. ASIC Commission members are not usually available to meet with foreign delegations seeking operational information.
What to include with your request
ASIC will not ordinarily deal with your request until it also receives the following information:
- details of requesting entity, including:
- name of agency
- country/jurisdiction
- contact person and position title
- address
- telephone, facsimile, email
- specific topics you want to discuss with ASIC
- date of proposed visit
- names of people who will be attending
- purpose of the proposed visit
- list of other organisations will you be visiting on this trip to Australia
- whether this is a government-funded or privately-sponsored visit
- particulars (including dates) of any other recent visits to ASIC by members of your organisation.
Please submit your request at least four weeks prior to your proposed visit. This will help us prepare for your visit by arranging for appropriate ASIC staff to be available to meet with you. Shorter notice periods may mean we are less likely to be able to meet with you.
ASIC will let you know if we are able to meet with you within 10 days of receiving your completed request.
Please send your request for a visit to ASIC to:
Mail to:
Senior Manager – International Cooperation Requests
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
GPO Box 9827
Melbourne VIC 3001
Email contact is preferred.
If your request is approved
- We expect that you will have some knowledge of ASIC from the information on our website. We suggest you look at About ASIC for information about ASIC's functions and powers, and regulatory documents for links to information about specific areas we regulate.
- Non-English speaking delegations should ensure they have a proficient interpreter with them.
- So that you obtain maximum benefit from your visit to ASIC, please submit questions about the specific issues you would like to discuss at least two weeks prior to the visit.
- So that your visit is of mutual benefit, at the meeting we will ask you to explain why you are visiting ASIC and what you hope to get out of the visit. We may also ask you about your jurisdiction generally, and how the specific matters you wish to discuss with ASIC are dealt with in your jurisdiction.