Persons banned from engaging in a credit activity under a law of a state or territory register

The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act) requires that ASIC maintain a register of persons who are defined in the National Credit Act as being banned from engaging in a credit activity under a law of a state or territory. The National Credit Act requires that this information be available to the public.

The National Credit Act defines persons who fall within this category as being persons who:

  • hold a state or territory credit licence that is suspended (otherwise than by the request of the person)
  • held a state or territory licence that has been cancelled within the 7 years (otherwise than by the person's request)
  • are subject to an order of a court made under a law of a state or territory prohibiting the person from engaging in a credit activity, or
  • are otherwise prohibited under a law of a state or territory from engaging in a credit activity.

ASIC has sought information required under the National Credit Act from each state and territory in order for it to be included on the register. The information contained in this register has been supplied by the relevant states and territories. ASIC has received confirmation from the states and territories that:

  • where information has been provided, this information falls within the National Credit Act definition of banned from engaging in a credit activity under a law of a state or territory, or
  • where information has not been provided the state or territory does not have information on persons falling within the definition of banned from engaging in a credit activity under a law of a state or territory.

The information contained on the register has been supplied to ASIC by the state government departments listed below. If you have any queries in relation to this information, please contact the relevant department:

Western Australian Department of Commerce, Consumer Protection

Phone: 1300 304 054


Queensland Fair Trading - Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation

Phone: 13 13 04

Website: Office of Fair Trading | Your rights, crime and the law

NSW Fair Trading - Department of Services Technology and Administration

Phone: 13 32 20

Website: NSW Fair Trading

Last updated: 01/01/2025 10:08