Credit: Relief

ASIC may grant relief from various provisions of the credit legislation by making individual instruments, or legislative instruments (previously known as class orders) which have a wider application.

Individual instruments and legislative instruments made under the credit legislation are not published in the ASIC Gazette.

This page contains:

Relief under the credit legislation

ASIC may give relief from:

  • the licensing provisions under Chapter 2 of the National Credit Act
  • the responsible lending conduct provisions under Chapter 3 of the National Credit Act
  • the provisions of the National Credit Code.

ASIC gives relief by way of individual instruments and legislative instruments.

Individual instruments are made in response to an application by a person (see Applying for individual relief).

Legislative instruments apply to a class of persons or contracts and are generally made by ASIC of its own initiative. These instruments are sometimes also made in response to an application by a person or an industry association when ASIC forms the view that the relief ought to apply more broadly.

Applying for individual relief

When applying for individual relief from the credit legislation, make sure you:

Credit relief instruments

Individual instruments made under the credit legislation (including section 203A of the National Credit Code, which is Schedule 1 to the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act)) are published on the ASIC website. Specified exclusions made under subsections 6(14) and 171(4) of the National Credit Code are not published on the ASIC website and are not available to the public.

See list of credit relief instruments.

Legislative instruments

Legislative instruments (previously known as class orders) made under the credit legislation are registered on the Federal Register of Legislation (FRL).

ASIC also publishes the text of certain legislative instruments on the ASIC website for the purposes of paragraphs 109(6)(a) and 163(6)(a) of the National Credit Act and for the purposes of paragraph 41(6)(a) of Schedule 2 to the National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009.

See list of legislative instruments.

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Last updated: 20/10/2014 12:00