As well as the various rights involving meetings and participation in dividends, creditors also have a right to:
- inform the liquidator about what they know that is relevant to the company’s liquidation
- request the liquidator give information, provide a report or produce a document
- inspect certain books of the liquidator
- appoint a reviewing liquidator (not available when the liquidator adopts the simplified liquidation process)
- remove and replace the liquidator by resolution passed at a creditors’ meeting (not available when the liquidator adopts the simplified liquidation process)
- complain to ASIC or the court about the liquidator’s conduct in connection with their duties.
Request for information
Creditors can, by resolution or individually, request the liquidator to give information, provide a report or produce a document. The liquidator must comply with this request unless:
- the information, report or document is not relevant to the liquidation
- the liquidator would breach their duties if they complied with the request
- it is not reasonable to comply with the request.
There are rules governing when a direction is not reasonable, including if the liquidator, acting in good faith, thinks that:
- complying with the request would substantially prejudice the interests of one or more creditors or a third party and that the prejudice outweighs the benefits of complying with the request
- the information would be privileged from production in legal proceedings
- there is not enough money to cover the costs incurred to comply with the request.
The law requires the liquidator to provide the information within 20 business days of the request being made.
If the direction is not reasonable, the liquidator must notify the requesting party and set out reasons why the request is not reasonable.
If the requesting party agrees to pay the costs of providing the information and security for those costs is provided (if the liquidator requires that), the liquidator must comply with the request.
Liquidator’s books
Liquidators must keep sufficient books to give a complete and correct record of their administration of the company’s affairs. These include minutes of meetings and details of all the receipts and payments for the liquidation.
These books must be available at the liquidator’s office for inspection by creditors and shareholders.
Copies of minutes of meetings and detailed lists of receipts and payments, as well as several other documents, must also be lodged with ASIC. You can search ASIC Connect and obtain copies of these documents for a fee.
Informing the liquidator
If the liquidator suspects anyone connected to the company may have committed an offence, the liquidator must report this to ASIC. Let the liquidator know if you have any information that might help the liquidator to prepare such a report.
These reports are not available for inspection. ASIC reviews these reports and decides whether to take further action, such as banning a person from acting as a company director for a period or charging the person with a criminal offence. ASIC considers a range of factors when deciding what action, if any, to take. For more information, see Information Sheet 151 ASIC’s approach to enforcement (INFO 151).
Appoint a reviewing liquidator
Other than where a liquidator has adopted the simplified liquidation process, creditors can resolve to appoint a reviewing liquidator to carry out a review into fees and/or costs incurred by the liquidator. With the liquidator’s agreement, one or more creditors may also appoint a reviewing liquidator.
A creditor can also apply for ASIC to appoint a reviewing liquidator: see Form 5605 Application for ASIC to appoint a reviewing liquidator.
Where creditors resolve to appoint a reviewing liquidator, the review is limited to:
- remuneration approved within the six months before the reviewing liquidator is appointed
- costs or expenses incurred during the 12-month period before the reviewing liquidator is appointed (unless the liquidator agrees to a longer period).
The reviewing liquidator must be a registered liquidator. A creditor who wishes to appoint a reviewing liquidator must get written consent from the registered liquidator confirming they would be prepared to act as reviewing liquidator. The person must also make a written declaration about any relationships they or their firm have that might affect their independence to act as reviewing liquidator.
The liquidator, and their staff, must cooperate with the reviewing liquidator.
If creditors pass a resolution to appoint a reviewing liquidator, the reviewing liquidator’s costs form part of the expenses of the liquidation. If one or more creditors appoint the reviewing liquidator with the consent of the liquidator without passing a resolution, the reviewing liquidator’s costs are borne by the creditor(s) who appoint the reviewing liquidator.
Remove and replace the liquidator
Other than where a liquidator has adopted the simplified liquidation process, creditors may remove and replace the liquidator at any time by resolution of creditors passed at a creditors’ meeting for which at least five business days’ notice is given.
A creditor who wishes to appoint a replacement liquidator must request the current liquidator to convene a meeting. The liquidator is not required to comply if the request is not reasonable. The liquidator must comply with the request if the creditor agrees to pay the cost of calling the meeting, and security for those costs is provided at the liquidator’s request.
A creditor who wishes to remove the current liquidator and appoint a replacement liquidator must approach a registered liquidator to get a written consent confirming they would be prepared to act as liquidator of the company. The person must also make a written declaration about any relationships they or their firm may have that might affect their independence to act as liquidator.
The notice of meeting must include details of the proposed resolution and attach:
If the resolution to remove the current liquidator is passed at the meeting, the removal takes effect from when a resolution to appoint the replacement liquidator is passed.
Applications to the court
The court has the power to make orders as it thinks fit in relation to an external administration. Creditors and other persons with a financial interest in the external administration can apply to the court for these orders, including:
- an order determining any question arising in the external administration
- an order that a person cease to be appointed as the liquidator and that another registered liquidator be appointed
- orders in relation to remuneration.
Making an application to court can be costly. You can consider going to court if you cannot resolve any problems with the liquidator directly.
Liquidators, ASIC and other people can also make applications to the court. For example, a liquidator might apply to have questions decided about how to exercise certain powers in a liquidation.