Our vision and strategic priorities


A fair, strong and efficient financial system for all Australians.

To realise our vision we will use all our regulatory tools to:

  • change behaviours to drive good consumer and investor outcomes
  • act against misconduct to maintain trust and integrity in the financial system
  • promote strong and innovative development of the financial system
  • help Australians to be in control of their financial lives.

Strategic priorities

We are focused on addressing the most significant threats and harms in our regulatory environment and bolstering our capabilities to achieve this.

In 2024–25, our work will be guided by a set of strategic priorities and core strategic projects. For more detail on how we deliver on our strategic priorities, refer to ASIC’s Corporate Plan.

Our strategic priorities target the most significant threats and harms in our regulatory environment. We will explore the use of all of our regulatory tools to deliver on these priorities. This includes taking enforcement action, where warranted.

ASIC's priorities at a glance

Strategic priorities and focus areas - text version below


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Last updated: 14/01/2025 12:57