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Inside ASIC podcast

In Inside ASIC we pull back the curtain on the work ASIC is doing on everything from scams and financial hardship, to insider trading, audit surveillance and regulating AI.

Each episode of the podcast will dive into a different area of our work as told by our people and external guests.

Episodes will be added to this page as they are released. Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or via RSS feed.

Inside ASIC trailer (1:24 mins - published 13 September 2024)

Episode 1: Scams (14:21 mins - published 16 September 2024)

In our first episode we talk about scams, how ASIC is working to detect, prevent and respond to investment scams and help protect Australians from losing their hard-earned money to scammers.

This episode features:

  • ASIC’s Deputy Chair Sarah Court.
  • Jodie Mahoney, ASIC’s Scams Coordinator.
  • Ged Fitzpatrick, ASIC Senior Executive Leader, International.

More information: Protect yourself from scams

Episode 2: Hardship (12:34 mins - published 25 September 2024)

The increased cost of living has been putting pressure on a lot of ordinary Australians. While it might not be work ASIC is traditionally known for, it actually plays a vital role in protecting consumers and investors.  

In this episode of Inside ASIC we hear about its recent report, which called out banks and lenders for their poor treatment of customers facing hardship.

This episode features:

  • Alan Kirkland, ASIC Commissioner.
  • Michael Dorman, Senior Manager, Strategic Surveillance at ASIC.
  • Steph Tonkin, CEO of the Consumer Action Law Centre.

Episode 3: How clean are the markets (15:40 mins - published 2 October 2024)

This episode of Inside ASIC takes a look at insider trading, and the work ASIC does to ensure Australia’s equity markets operate in a fair and transparent way that supports Australia’s economy.

A senior investigator at the Commission details the story of one of the country’s most high-profile insider trading cases.

Episode 4: Tech regulation (14:03 mins - published 9 October 2024)

ASIC has a long history of adapting our regulatory approach in response to new and emerging challenges and technologies. It needs to ensure Australia’s financial markets and consumers are protected. Law and technology have a long history of working together to support innovation.

In this episode of Inside ASIC we unpick both the challenges and potential of AI in our financial ecosystem.

This episode features:

  • Professor Nick Davis, the University of Technology Sydney’s Human Technology
  • Institute
  • Graham Jefferson, Senior Executive Leader for Data, Analytics and AI at ASIC
  • Kate Metz, Senior Executive Leader, Regulatory Reform and Implementation at ASIC.

Episode 5: Audit oversight (8:28 mins - published 17 October 2024)

Auditors play an important role in giving investors confidence in the integrity of companies’ financial reporting, helping them make informed investment decisions. The role of auditors has been in sharp focus in recent times, so this episode starts to unpick ASIC's work to improve the integrity and quality of financial reporting and auditing in Australia.

This episode features:

  • ASIC Commissioner Kate O’Rourke
  • ASIC CEO Greg Yanco

Episode 6: The whole story (13:37 mins - published 24 October 2024)

In this episode of Inside ASIC we look at what ASIC does to balance the priorities it pursues, and why sometimes ASIC finds itself in the spotlight for the work it’s doing. Looking at some of the biggest strategic threats to our financial system that could be looming over the horizon, the Chair of ASIC Joe Longo explains the breadth of the work ASIC does, and how it deals with finite resources.

Last updated: 25/10/2024 04:50