(Movie grabs)
“The point is, ladies and gentlemen; Greed is good.”
“That's inside information, isn't it? You're not inside. You are outside.”
“So, tell me, Gordon. When does it all end? How many yachts can you water ski behind? How much is enough?”
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Hi, I'm Siobhan-Moran and MacFarlane, and it's terrific to have your company on episode three of Inside ASIC.
When you hear the term insider trading, it might conjure up all the usual Hollywood stereotypes of Wall Street, lavish lifestyles and whole trading floors of suited blokes whispering codes to buy and sell stocks. But the reality of this behaviour in an Australian context is not like the movies.
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“Australia's corporate watchdog ASIC, has charged two mining officials with insider trading.”
“Cameron Waugh is at the centre of an insider trading case that's got the whole of Saint George's Terrace talking/****ting themselves.”
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: In this episode of Inside ASIC, we're going to hear from a senior investigator at the Commission with the story of one of the country's most high-profile insider trading cases.
And we're also going to look at ASIC's much broader role in keeping our markets clean, because the reality is, insider trading is just one way people try to manipulate our markets.
First up, today I'm joined by ASIC Commissioner Simone Constant.
Simone commenced her five-year term in 2023 after 25 years in investment and risk management at big banks, investment managers, and government treasuries.
Simone, great to have you with us.
Simone Constant: It's lovely to be here Siobhan.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Simone, I want to start with insider trading because it's the most well understood form of market manipulation.
Can you just give us a fuller picture of what it may look like, and why it's so important to ASIC to deal with it?
Simone Constant: Insider trading is definitely the right place to start for our conversation on this, Siobhan. So, I think in the sense of people who perpetuate insider trading, they work hard to make it not be understood. You know, by its very nature, insider trading is insiders, people with privileged access to information, exploiting that information. And of course in markets, information is value, exploiting that for their benefit at the expense of the rest of us. And I know my generation, we think about Gordon Gekko and braces and oversize telephones, kind of doing big mergers and acquisitions deals, and trading inside information on Wall Street.
But actually, what's really interesting and important to know is insider trading takes many shapes and sizes, many forms and shapes. So it can be in different markets, it can be in different products, it can be in different sectors, and it's all harmful.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Right. So it's not just the large mergers or acquisitions that Hollywood conjures up?
Simone Constant: It can be in debt markets. You can have insider trading in debt markets, not just in listed equities markets, as we often think about. And actually, you can see it in small places, but you can see insider trading in really large organisations. If you’ve got a large organisation that has access to information in lots of different markets, for example, and they don't treat that with the respect they should, by protecting those different parts of information, and they've got lots of different touch points in different markets, and they don't protect that, then they can be using that at the expense of the rest of us in markets just as much as in a small company with a small group of insiders.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Simone, we know only a handful of cases ever make the news, and we're going to talk about those in a moment.
But first, can you tell us more broadly about the enforcement work ASIC is doing in that space?
Simone Constant: ASIC actually is one of the most in court, active enforcement agencies in this area globally. Interestingly, since 2019, we've run 45 investigations on insider trading. And at the moment, ASIC is in court most days of the week in some part of our brief.
Actually, as part of that, we've got six insider trading cases on foot right now. So, that's a lot of activity. It's really important enforcement activity and you can expect to see more.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: So how confident can we be that insider trading isn't just the way that some firms do business?
Simone Constant: It's a really good question right now for ASIC, because we've actually just released an important piece, an important report that shows Australia, actually we can be confident, has one of the cleanest markets, one of the cleanest equity markets in the world.
So why do I say that and what is this report? We've just released our market cleanliness report and we did it over a period of about five years, and it's something we've done in the past. So, when public markets, get hit with important information about a company, we expect there to be activity, because that information, of course, is value that's traded.
We look at the period just before that. So, is there anomalous or suspicious activity? And when we looked at it two different ways.
One is the volume of anomalous activity in the lead up to release of information. The other is actually the number of accounts, like different individual accounts, doing anomalous things in the lead up. In both cases, it was some of the lowest in the world.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: A lot of ASIC's attention is obviously on companies trading on the ASX, but Simone, there's been this global trend and here in Australia away from listing on the stock market, so a lot more firms choosing to raise equity privately.
Does that mean the law doesn't really apply to them?
Simone Constant: That is a great question because it's such a simple one.
No way right, is the answer to that. And at ASIC this is something we're really conscious of this changing shape of markets in the conversation today. We're mindful in that globally private capital and private markets are growing in importance. So, at the moment at last stock, we have an estimated 139 billion of private capital under management in Australia. Clearly that is a smaller number than the trillions we have on the ASX, for example.
But what's really interesting, Siobhan, is that that represents a 33% growth rate in the 18 months leading up to that figure. So, there is something going on here and there is a growth of private markets. That's not necessarily bad. It's not for ASIC to say, you know, private versus public is good or bad. It is for ASIC to be aware of the differences in how the capital, those different capital markets go about their activities and how we ensure that there is transparency and accountability for integrity of conduct in those capital, in that type of capital, in that type of market.
And as a consequence and mindful of that change in growth in ASIC, we've announced also a dedicated team focused on these private markets and ensuring that we both understand them and understand can hold them accountable for how they are conducting themselves and that market conduct, market integrity and of course, deterring market manipulation is as strong whether it is public capital or private capital for Australian markets.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Simone, thank you for your time.
Simone Constant: It was a pleasure to talk about this with you, Siobhan.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Now next up, we're going to be joined by a couple of ASIC insiders about the forensic work that goes on behind the scenes to keep our markets clean.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And I'm joined now by Calissa Aldridge, who's the Executive Director of Markets at ASIC. Calissa, hi.
Calissa Aldridge: Thanks Siobhan. Great to be here.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And Tegan Gosling is Senior Manager of Enforcement. Tegan thanks for talking to us.
Tegan Gosling: Thank you, Siobhan.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Tegan you served the arrest on Cameron Waugh back in 2022, an event that generated a lot of headlines, especially in Perth.
Just to remind our listeners, corporate adviser Waugh was sentenced to two years in prison earlier this year for insider trading. But back in 2022, this was all pretty dramatic because you actually served the arrest on him at a wedding south of Perth.
Tegan Gosling: Well Siobhan, we actually had no idea that Mr. Waugh had a wedding to attend that Friday.
So Mr. Waugh had come to our attention through various company documents, that had been produced in the course of the investigation that we were conducting some eight weeks earlier. And we started to investigate his trading in the lead up to the significant announcement that had been made by Genesis Minerals Limited about its change of board composition and also its fundraising.
So we had referred a brief to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. And as they were assessing the brief, we became aware that Mr. Waugh was booked on a one-way flight out of the jurisdiction. And that was around Saturday, the 17th of December of 2022. So, the week prior to Mr. Waugh’s flight, ASIC sought and obtained a warrant for his arrest on charges of insider trading.
When we went to serve that arrest warrant with the Australian Federal Police that Tuesday, we discovered that Mr. Waugh was actually in Western Australia's south-west, which is a very large area. So, we were able to get an AFP team to travel down south with us, in the latter half of that week, and we were able to locate Mr. Waugh and serve that warrant mid-morning on the Friday.
So his flight out of Australia was the next day on the Saturday, and we thought it was preferable to execute at a time earlier than the departure lounge at the airport.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And step us through the evidence you'd been gathering on the case to that point. I'm imagining it's all a pretty painstaking process.
Tegan Gosling: So, ASIC is constantly monitoring who's trading in the market ahead of significant announcements. And we do that through our markets analysis and intelligence software. And we're constantly looking at that trading and the circumstances around that trading. Mr. Waugh had actually not been the focus of our investigation, we were considering other suspicious trades that occurred in the lead up to that announcement by Genesis Minerals. But in the process of conducting that investigation, we did become aware of his trading.
We then started interviewing people, concerned with that trading and the company around that time. And we started to build a better picture of the alleged contravention. It is pretty painstaking. Insider trading is a criminal provision. So any case that we take, we have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a pretty high bar.
So we have to be meticulous in the manner in which we collect and produce the evidence to ensure that it's not just compelling, but also admissible in any subsequent proceedings.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And Calissa, as the Executive Director of Markets, you're responsible for end-to-end regulation of markets.
Does it surprise you that people think they can still get away with these manipulations, that they won't be found out?
Calissa Aldridge: Siobhan unfortunately, it doesn't surprise me. It's human nature to chase a quick buck, and that hasn't changed over time. And this is why market misconduct, including manipulation and insider trading is an enduring priority for ASIC. We need to make sure we keep on top of this part of the market continually to adapt to the new forms of technology that are used by the various actors that are, engaging in this activity.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Right, so how does ASIC keep ahead of people who are looking to manipulate the market?
Calissa Aldridge: Look, we've got to adapt to it as well. We're using data and technology in innovative ways. In fact, our automated insider trading detection tool that we call ‘Artemis’ actually won an award last year as part of the APS, Data Analytics and Visualisation Awards.
And together with some of the tools, and Tegan just mentioned one of them, we can automatically detect unusual trading ahead of company announcements. And we combine that with Artemis to look at trading data and other sources such as the ATO data, for example. And it enables us to very quickly draw connections between people, family members, neighbours, colleagues, and we can then supplement that with other tools. For example, looking at social media connections.
And then that follows through to some of the enforcement that Tegan's just mentioned. We actually have one of the highest per capita conviction rates for insider trading around the world.
So, my message to listeners today is to really avoid that temptation to engage in market abuse.
ASIC has the systems, the people and the power to detect and prosecute market abuse. And no trade is worth prison time.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Now, ASIC recently laid charges against four people involved in a so-called ‘pump and dump scheme’ which, like the name suggests, is all about artificially boosting the price of stocks before dumping them for a profit. And it's alleged the group hatched this scheme in a private messaging app.
Calissa, this is a great example that ASIC really has eyeballs everywhere. And your determination to stamp out any illegal activity that threatens the integrity of our markets.
Calissa Aldridge: Absolutely. I think some of the recent cases have reinforced our commitment to take action. The recent criminal charges that you've mentioned against a number of people, who were alleged to be using Telegram to pump and dump ASX listed shares is a good example.
They were charged with conspiracy to commit market rigging, and false trading to artificially increase the price of shares before they were dumping them. And there's really significant penalties for that type of activity. The maximum penalty 15 years imprisonment or over $1 million fine. This case is also another great example of ASIC trying to be more innovative. To deter the conduct at the time, it was a bit of a first for ASIC. We actually entered the chat rooms to warn users that it may be illegal, the activity that they're engaging in, but also to remind them of some of the potential consequences. And that really got their attention. And then we worked with Telegram and other social media platforms to shut down the chat rooms.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And Tegan, one final one for you. Enforcement is what you do. Why is it so important that these cases are pursued by ASIC?
Tegan Gosling: So Siobhan, we know from experience and anecdotal evidence that the enforcement of laws like insider trading, market manipulation, other types of market misconduct laws does make people stop and think about the decisions that they're making.
And having these examples where it has been enforced through the courts and criminal action does help to deter that market misconduct, because it forces people to realise that they could get caught. ASIC doesn't have a bottomless pit of people and resources, so we can't take every case. But we do hope the cases that we do take make people stop and think “it could be me,” and encourages them to make good decisions when they are in possession of market sensitive and non-public information.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And Calissa, we talked a bit earlier with Simone Constant about the rise of private markets. I'm wondering what's big on your radar looking ahead for ASIC?
Calissa Aldridge: So look, we've been monitoring developments in private markets closely for some time. And we've seen over the last few years fewer listings coming through to public markets. And this is a trend we're seeing globally.
And we've started a discussion with stakeholders in the industry on whether this is more of a cyclical issue or is it a broader sort of structural change that we're starting to see. So, you can really expect to hear more from us over the near-term on, what we're hearing from industry, that stakeholder engagement that I mentioned, as we go through a process of considering tangible, actionable ideas to build the strength of the Australian capital markets.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: Calissa Aldridge, it's been a pleasure. Thank you.
Calissa Aldridge: Thank you.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And Tegan Gosling, thank you for joining us too.
Tegan Gosling: Thank you, Siobhan.
Siobhan Moran-McFarlane: And also a big thanks to our earlier guest Simone Constant. I'm Siobhan Moran-McFarlane. Thanks for listening to Inside ASIC.
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