Industry funding refunds

You can request a refund if you have accidently overpaid. Generally, we will provide a refund in the same way you made payment.

How to request a refund

How you request a refund will depend on how you made your initial payment.

Generally, we will provide our refund in the same way you made payment.

If you overpaid the full levy notice amount using BPAY

You'll need to contact your financial institution (e.g. bank) to reverse any BPAY payments made to ASIC.

If you overpaid part of the levy notice amount using BPAY

You can contact us online if you would like your payment refunded.

Include the following details:

  • the industry funding levy notice number
  • the entity name that the payment was made to and their ACN/ABN
  • contact details (full name, phone number, postal address, and email)
  • Bank statement displaying account name, BSB and account number
  • date payment was made
  • amount to be refunded and
  • proof of payment (e.g. copy of bank statement).

If you want a refund by EFT

You can contact us online if you would like your payment refunded by EFT.

Include the following details:

  • the industry funding levy notice number
  • the entity name that the - payment was made to and their ACN/ABN
  • contact details (full name, phone number, postal address, and email)
  • Bank statement displaying account name, BSB, and account number
  • date payment was made
  • amount to be refunded and
  • proof of payment (e.g. copy of bank statement).

If you haven't received your refund within 21 days of your request, please contact us online.

Last updated: 16/06/2024 11:06