Letters to trustees
Schedule 1 of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024 (DBFO Act) commenced on 10 July 2024. The DBFO Act implements, among other things, the Australian Government’s response to recommendations 7 and 8 of the Quality of Advice Review final report. These reforms deal with the deduction of adviser fees from superannuation and advice fee consents, respectively.
Transitional arrangements apply to the DBFO Act. Information Sheet 256 FAQs: Ongoing fee arrangements (INFO 256) generally continues to be relevant for ongoing fee arrangements:
- entered into or last renewed before 10 January 2025 (start day), and
- for ongoing fee arrangements in force on the start day, until the first anniversary of the arrangement that occurs on or after the start day.
Information Sheet 280 FAQs: Non-ongoing fee consents (INFO 280) continues to be relevant for written consents to deduct fees or costs under non-ongoing fee arrangements:
- entered into before the start day (10 January 2025), and
- for non-ongoing fee arrangements in force on the start day, until the arrangement is terminated, renewed or varied, or 12 months from the start day (whichever is earlier).
From 10 January 2025, the amended ongoing and non-ongoing fee arrangement obligations under the DBFO Act will apply to any fee arrangements that do not fall within the transitional period. We have issued the following guidance for those obligations:
For more information about advice fee arrangement written consent requirements see:
Intra-fund advice
Information Sheet 168 Giving and collectively charging for intra-fund advice (INFO 168) provides guidance about giving and collectively charging for intra-fund advice.
Communicating with employees about choice of superannuation fund: What you can and cannot do
Information Sheet 89 Communicating with employees about choice of superannuation fund: What you can and cannot do (INFO 89) provides general guidance on how employers can communicate with employees about super choices without breaking the law, and what employers should avoid saying or doing.
Super switching advice - complying with your obligations
Information Sheet 182 Super switching advice – complying with your obligations (INFO 182) provides general information and compliance tips for financial advisers who provide super switching advice.
Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs)
Information Sheet 274 Tips for giving self-managed superannuation fund advice (INFO 274) provides tips to help advice providers comply with their legal obligations when giving advice about self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).
Digital financial product advice
Regulatory Guide 255 Providing digital financial advice product advice to retail clients (RG 255) provides information about digital advice (also known as robo-advice or automated advice).
General advice obligations
Regulatory Guide 36 Licensing: Financial product advice and dealing (RG 36) provides guidance on the meaning of ‘provide financial product advice’ and the meaning of ‘deal in a financial product’. It also provides guidance on the obligations that apply to providers of financial services
Regulatory Guide 175 Licensing: Financial product advisers—Conduct and disclosure (RG 175) provides guidance on conduct and disclosure obligations in Pt 7.7 and Div 2 of Pt 7.7A of the Corporations Act 2001, in particular their application to the provision of financial product advice.
Regulatory Guide 244 Giving information, general advice and scaled advice (RG 244) provides guidance for AFS licensees as to the differences between giving factual information, general advice and personal advice. It also covers advice obligations, including the best interests duty and related obligations, when giving ‘scaled’ advice (i.e. personal advice that is limited in scope).
More information on financial services, including advice.