Complaints about ASIC

ASIC values your right to complain, and we are committed to treating complaints seriously, dealing with them quickly, and using the information to improve our policies, systems and services. We treat all complaints confidentially in line with our Privacy Policy.

This page contains:

Prior to lodging a complaint

Before you lodge a complaint, we recommend that you:

  • first, try to sort it out with the person you have been dealing with (or via the phone number you have been given)
  • if you are not satisfied, talk to their manager
  • if you are still not satisfied, consider lodging a complaint.

ASIC's Service Charter outlines among other things our commitment to treating you with respect and courtesy in our dealings with you and we ask in return that you treat our staff with courtesy and respect.

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Submit your complaint to the right area

Find out more about these particular types of complaints and how ASIC handles them:


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Lodge a complaint about ASIC

Use one of the following avenues to lodge your complaint about ASIC.

Online form

Make a complaint about ASIC form

Telephone us

1300 740 895

Write to us

The Complaints Officer
GPO Box 9827
Melbourne VIC 3001

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How ASIC manages your complaint

Once you have lodged your complaint an ASIC officer will contact you. We aim to do this within 3 business days. This officer will work with you to resolve your issue (or issues) and will keep you informed of the progress of the case.

The time we spend investigating your complaint depends on its seriousness and complexity, but we aim to finalise the matter within 28 calendar days.

Sometimes we may not be able to deal with your complaint in the timeframes set out above. If that is the case, we'll contact you to give you progress updates, so you know what is happening. You can also contact us to check the progress of your complaint.

For more information see ASIC's Complaint Management Policy (PDF).

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What happens if you are not happy with the outcome?

Generally speaking, where you are unhappy with how we handled your matter, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman via their:

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National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)

ASIC is committed to the highest standards of integrity in all the work we do.

ASIC is under the jurisdiction of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

Anyone can submit a corruption report to the NACC. To find out more about what is considered corruption and how to make a report visit the NACC website.

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More information

Last updated: 21/06/2023 12:00