FAQs: ASIC Industry funding

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about industry funding.

How industry funding works

Levy types and calculations

ASIC’s funding allocation and costs

Levy notices

Your business activity metrics and the ASIC Regulatory Portal

If your organisation is regulated by ASIC, you must register and maintain contact details on the ASIC Regulatory Portal. You may also be required to submit business activity metrics via the portal between July and September/October each year.

ASIC will use this information each year to calculate each entity’s share of the regulatory costs for the sectors in which they are authorised to operate. The first collection occurred in 2018.

The business activity metrics used to calculate levies are readily available measures of business activity such as:

  • revenue generated
  • total assets
  • credit provided
  • deposits held
  • number of new and ongoing appointments (registered liquidators).

If you miss the deadline and do not submit your business activity metrics, you are still encouraged to register an ASIC Regulatory Portal account for future correspondence with ASIC.

For those required to pay a flat levy only, the information you provide will confirm which subsector you have been authorised to operate in. This will allow us to divide our costs with the final number of entities operating in your subsector.

For those paying a graduated levy, the information you provide will confirm your entity's 'share' of the leviable activities in your subsector and will determine your final levy notice amount.

Legislation and regulations

You can also submit questions to us.

Last updated: 19/09/2024 02:48