InFocus March 2024 - Volume 33 Issue 2

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Company Alert

Company Alert is a free, simple way to track changes made to a company or to check documents lodged.

You can set up and manage alerts for companies that you want to track, and we’ll email you if we receive any lodgements matching your request.

To set up your Company Alert Profile:

  • provide your name
  • provide your email address
  • select the documents/categories you wish to track
  • list the ACN or ARBN for each company (maximum 25 companies per set up)
  • submit to register for company alerts

You’ll then receive an email from with your:

  • Profile name
  • Profile number
  • Profile email
  • Expiry date

Learn more about the company alerts on our website.

Training for small business success

Want to improve your skills in business planning, finances, record keeping and registration, tax and super management? 

Essentials to strengthen your small business is a new free, online learning platform where you can upskill in those critical areas. It includes 21 short, free courses in record keeping, cash flow, deductions, GST, super and more.

All you need is an email address, a password and the drive to make your small business succeed. 

See what Essentials to strengthen your small business has to offer you. Take the tour now! 

Free - Small business cyber training

The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) are making cyber security simple for Australian business.

The Cyber Wardens program is an education tool designed to build a cyber-smart small business workforce. Cyber Wardens training can help you defend against digital break ins and help you keep cyber criminals out of your business.

Educating your team about cyber threats will help to protect your small business. Anyone can be a Cyber Warden and help. The best part is  you don’t have to be tech-savvy or an IT wizard to put your hand up.

Just like workplace safety officers help to keep small business safe from physical hazards, Cyber Wardens will use the same skills to prevent and protect against digital threats. A trained Cyber Warden could save your small business $50,000.

95% of cyber-attacks target people who work in your business which is why your whole team needs to develop their cyber safety skills.

Learn how to help protect your business from cyber in three simple steps by enrolling in this free small business cyber training. Cyber Wardens training is free, quick, and made for small businesses by small business.

ASIC’s scam website takedown capability

In November 2023, the Assistant Treasurer announced ASIC’s scam website takedown capability. The quick removal of harmful websites is one of the most effective ways to stop scammers from harming Australians.

ASIC is working with Netcraft Ltd, a company specialising in cybercrime detection and disruption, to remove or limit access to malicious phishing and investment scam websites.

These websites seek to scam consumers out of their information and money. Between 1 July to 31 December 2023, Netcraft has initiated takedown of more than 3,840 investment scam and phishing websites. This includes:

  • over 3,490 sites that have been taken down
  • almost 350 sites that are in the process of being taken down.

More information on ASIC’s website takedown capability can be found on the investment scam website takedown capability page.

Optimise your online lodgements

Save time. Save money. Save paper.

Discover the efficiency of ASIC’s online services.  With a few clicks, you can lodge documents and make instant updates, eliminating paperwork and reducing processing time.

Enjoy the convenience of real-time submissions, ensuring your documents are promptly acknowledged and processed.

Whether it’s maintaining your or annual reports, our online portals provide a convenient solution for meeting lodgement requirements.

Visit our Forms page to see lodgement details for each form.

Learn more about online services in our website.

FYE 31 Dec 2023: Lodgement due dates

In 2023, if your company or managed investment scheme’s financial year end was 31 December 2023, you must take steps to prepare and lodge your financial statements and reports, unless exempted.

When are financial reports required to be lodged?

  • Disclosing entities or registered managed investment schemes - within three months after the end of the financial year i.e. 31 March 2024.
  • All other companies - within four months after the end of the financial year i.e. 30 April 2024.

Learn more about lodgement of financial reports in our website.

Last updated: 06/03/2024 08:15