Tax (financial) advice services

From 1 January 2022, additional education and training requirements apply to relevant providers who provide, or intend to provide, tax (financial) advice services to retail clients.

Specifically, under Division 3 of Part 3 of the Corporations (Relevant Providers—Education and Training Standards) Determination 2021 (Relevant Providers Determination), relevant providers who provide, or intend to provide, tax (financial) advice services must complete specified courses in commercial law and taxation law before providing tax (financial) advice services, unless one or more of the following transitional provisions apply:

  • From 1 January 2022, relevant providers who were registered as individual tax (financial) advisers with the Tax Practitioners Board immediately before 1 January 2022 are not required to complete commercial law and taxation law courses. These relevant providers are considered to have already met these requirements.
  • From the date the person's registration with the Tax Practitioners Board as an individual tax (financial) adviser comes into force, relevant providers who applied to be registered as an individual tax (financial) adviser on or before 31 December 2021 (and whose application has subsequently been approved by the Tax Practitioners Board) are not required to complete commercial law and taxation law courses. These relevant providers are also considered to have already met these requirements.
  • Between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025, existing providers who were relevant providers immediately before 1 January 2022 have until either their exam cut-off date (if they have not passed the exam), or 31 December 2025 (if they have passed the exam) to complete the required commercial law and taxation law courses.

Relevant providers who have previously completed commercial law and/or taxation law courses approved by the Tax Practitioners Board under paragraphs 301(b), 302(b) and 303(a) of Schedule 2 to the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (as in force on 31 December 2021) are not required to complete the courses again and can provide tax (financial) advice services from 1 January 2022. For ease of reference, these courses are listed below.

Otherwise, the specific requirements that must be satisfied with respect to each of the specified courses are listed in sections 3-65 and 3-70 of Division 3 of Part 3 of the Relevant Providers Determination. Relevant providers and/or their Australian financial services licensees should review and assess relevant course outline(s) to determine whether they meet the requirements of the Relevant Providers Determination.

For more information, see Information Sheet 268 FAQs: Relevant providers who provide tax (financial) advice services (INFO 268).

Click on the tabs below to expand:

Australian taxation law courses

Course name Course number Course provider
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers TPB506 AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers TPB506 AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers TPB506FA AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428
Individual taxation + Taxation of legal entities AETL001+AETL002 Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd)
Individual taxation + Tax planning and compliance AETL001+AETL003 Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd)
Taxation law for tax (financial) advisers AETLFA Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd)
Taxation law BB313 Australian Catholic University
Taxation law LEGL300 Australian Catholic University
Taxation law LEGL602 Australian Catholic University
Tax law ACC304 Australian Institute of Higher Education
Australian taxation law GSF102 Australian Institute of Management
Principles of taxation law COMM3014 Australian National University
Principles of income tax law BUSN3014 Australian National University
Taxation law BUSN7021 Australian National University
Taxation law & practice+Concept and entity taxation AC340+AC341 Avondale College
Taxation 2141TL Bendigo College of Advanced Education
Principles of taxation law LAWS13-415 Bond University
Principles of taxation law LAWS71-415 Bond University
Principles of taxation law LAWS77-415 Bond University
Principles of taxation law LAWS10-415 Bond University
Tax law for accountants ACCT255 Canberra Institute of Technology
Taxation Law of Australia LAWS20060 Central Queensland University
Taxation Law of Australia LAWS 20060 Central Queensland University
Taxation law and practice IIIA 21356 Central Queensland University
Taxation law and practice A 25341 Central Queensland University
Taxation law and practice A LAWS19033 Central Queensland University
Taxation law/ Australian taxation law LAWS20023 Central Queensland University
Taxation 1 CMT301 Charles Darwin University
Australian taxation law LAW511 Charles Darwin University
Australian taxation law PRBL003 Charles Darwin University
Taxation 1 TAX301 Charles Darwin University
Taxation law (principles) LAW301 Charles Sturt University
Income tax law & practice LAW3014 Charles Sturt University
Taxation law and practice LAW320 Charles Sturt University
Taxation 1 LAW505 Charles Sturt University
Australian taxation LAW514 Charles Sturt University
Taxation strategies LAW545 Charles Sturt University
CA Tax module – post 2011 N/A Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
CA Tax module – pre 2011 N/A Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Tax (AU) CACC1503 Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Tax law and practice BZ311 Christian Heritage College
Tax (financial) adviser (TFA) solution - taxation law unit Not Applicable CPA Australia
Advanced taxation Not applic. CPA Australia
Australia taxation Australia taxation CPA Australia
Advanced taxation ACCG909 CPA Australia
Advanced taxation ACCG909 CPA Australia
Introduction to Australian Tax Law BLW32 Curtin University
Taxation 303/ Taxation 300A 3381 Curtin University
Taxation 301 6798 Curtin University
Taxation 231 11041 Curtin University
Taxation 331 11041 Curtin University
Taxation 531 11945 Curtin University
Taxation BLW22 Curtin University
Taxation 231 / Introduction to Australian tax law TAXA2000 Curtin University
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law TAXA2001 Curtin University
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law TAXA2001 Curtin University
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law TAXA2001 Curtin University
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law TAXA2001 Curtin University
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law TAXA2001 Curtin University
Taxation 301 TAXA3007 Curtin University
Taxation 531/ Fundamentals of Australian tax law TAXA5001 Curtin University
Income taxation law MCM272 Deakin University
Income taxation law and practice MLC204 Deakin University
Principles of income tax law MLC301 Deakin University
Principles of income tax law MLC703 Deakin University
Taxation MLC712 Deakin University
Taxation MLL322 Deakin University
Taxation MLL406 Deakin University
Taxation law II LAW2400 Edith Cowan University
Income tax framework II LAW2410 Edith Cowan University
Taxation law LAW3109 Edith Cowan University
Taxation law IV LAW4300 Edith Cowan University
Taxation law LAW5300 Edith Cowan University
Taxation Law LAW303 Elite Education Institute Pty. Ltd.
CFP Certification Program CFP1 + CFP2 + CFP3 +CFP4 + CFPC (Pre 2016) Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)
CFP Certification Program CFP1A+CFP2A+CFP3A+CFP4A+CFPCMCY Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)
CFP Certification Program CFP1 + CFP2 + CFP3 + CFP4 + CFPC (2016 on) Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)
Taxation and Strategies for Financial Planning E151 Financial Services Institute of Australia (FINSIA)
Taxation Law and Practice BUSN3054 Flinders University
Taxation Law and Practice BUSN3022 Flinders University
Taxation law and practice BUSN3012 Flinders University
Perspectives on taxation law BUSN9122 Flinders University
Taxation law and practice COMM3003 Flinders University
Revenue law:Theory and policy in action + Taxation planning 3106AFE+3108AFE Griffith University
Income tax law for accountants/ Income tax law+Applied tax 7106AFE+7161AFE Griffith University
Income Tax Law+Applied Tax 7817AFE+7822AFE Griffith University
Income Tax Law+Applied Taxation 7817GBS+7822AFE Griffith University
Tax and investments/ Taxation law 2150AFE Griffith University
Revenue law: Theory and policy 3008ABF Griffith University
Introduction to taxation law 3102LAW Griffith University
Revenue law: Theory and policy in action 3106AFE Griffith University
Revenue Law: Theory & Policy in action+Taxation Planning 3186AFE+3188AFE Griffith University
Revenue Law: Theory & Policy in action+Taxation Planning 3186AFE+3188AFE Griffith University
Income tax law 7008ABF Griffith University
Income tax law for accountants 7106AFE Griffith University
Income tax law 7204ACF Griffith University
Applied taxation+Income tax law/ Income tax 7822GBS+7817GBS Griffith University
Taxation 1 BB13A08 Griffith University
Introduction to taxation LAWBB13A13 Griffith University
CTA1 Foundations (partial GST/ BAS requirement - Activity Statement component only) CTA1 HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education
Taxation theory, practice and law HI6028 Holmes Institute
Taxation law HA3042 Holmes Institute
Taxation HI5028 Holmes Institute
Taxation Law + Taxation Practice LEG234+BAC206 Holmesglen
Taxation Law+Taxation Practice LEG234 or BAC206+BAC307 Holmesglen
Advanced taxation law and practice MPA203 Holmesglen
CA Tax module – post 2011 CA Tax module – post 2011 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
CA Tax module – pre 2011 CA Tax module – pre 2011- tax law Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Taxation and financial reporting TFR101 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Taxation & Financial Reporting / No TASA TFR105/104/103/102/101 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Taxation (1991) TX1191 Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Advanced Taxation Law BX3113 James Cook University
Taxation Law BX3112 James Cook University
Taxation BU3112 James Cook University
Taxation I CO3503 James Cook University
Taxation I CO3513 James Cook University
Taxation law/Corporate and revenue law CO5110 James Cook University
Taxation law CO5120 James Cook University
Taxation law LA4023 James Cook University
Taxation Law ACC304 Kaplan Business School
Tax for financial advising DFP5v3 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax Considerations in Financial Advice FPC006_ Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DFP5v4 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DFP5v5 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
TASATFA Tax for financial Advising (bridging unit for DFP5 completed prior to 26/11/2015) TASATFAv5 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DPF5V6 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial planning BFC105 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DFP5 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DFP5v1 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax for financial advising DFP5v2 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Tax and commercial law for financial planning FPC006 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Taxation Law TLAW317 Kent Institute of Business and Technology
Taxation Law ACC708 King's Own Institute
Taxation law ACC301 King's Own Institute
Revenue law 34401 Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education
Income tax law 3 N/a La Trobe University
Accounting 1982 111IT La Trobe University
Taxation 2141TL La Trobe University
The Australian income tax system A3IT La Trobe University
Taxation ACC30TAX La Trobe University
Taxation  (full year course) ACC31TAX La Trobe University
Taxation ACC32TAX La Trobe University
Taxation ACC3TAX La Trobe University
Taxation ACC51TAX La Trobe University
Taxation ACC5TAX La Trobe University
Taxation BLAWT La Trobe University
Income tax law 3 ITL3 La Trobe University
Taxation LST30TAX La Trobe University
Taxation law N/a Legal Practitioners Admissions Board
Taxation law ACC857 Macquarie University
Taxation law ACCG857 Macquarie University
CPA advanced taxation ACCG909 Macquarie University
Taxation law ACCG924 Macquarie University
Income tax law BUSL319 Macquarie University
Revenue law/ Taxation law & practice BUSL320 Macquarie University
Taxation law LAW503 Macquarie University
Taxation Law MIT665812 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Taxation law MIT765802 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Taxation Law MA613 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Income tax 81309 Mitchell College of Advanced Education
Taxation fundamentals (FNSACC502)+Taxation for legal entities (FNSACC601) MTL001+MTL002 Monarch Institute
Taxation fundamentals (FNSACC502)+Tax planning and obligations (FNSACC603) MTL001+MTL003 Monarch Institute
Taxation Law BTX3931 Monash University
Advanced taxation law + Taxation law LAW4332+LAW4704 Monash University
Taxation law and practice+Advanced Taxation TBG2221+TBG3242 Monash University
Income tax law AAF3150 Monash University
Taxation law and practice BTB3221 Monash University
Taxation law BTC3150 Monash University
Taxation Law BTF3931 Monash University
Taxation law BTF5965 Monash University
Taxation law and practice BTG3221 Monash University
Taxation law and practice BTG9221 Monash University
Taxation law and practice BTW2221 Monash University
Taxation law and practice BTW3221 Monash University
Taxation law BTX5651 Monash University
Taxation law BTX9651 Monash University
Income tax law E308 Monash University
Taxation law and practice GBU2204 Monash University
Taxation law 506 LAW5152/E Monash University
Taxation 512 LAW5213 Monash University
Taxation 530 LAW5213 Monash University
Basic income tax TAX515 Monash University
Taxation law and practice TBF9651 Monash University
Taxation BUS313 Murdoch University
Taxation C313A Murdoch University
Taxation I + Taxation II 18010 + 18011 Nepean College of Advanced Education
Taxation Law and Compliance BACC302 Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
Taxation Law and Compliance BAC318 Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
Taxation Practice LW3015 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law N/a Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law + Advanced taxation law AYB219+ABY320 Queensland University of Technology
Introduction to Taxation Law LWB364 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law and practice I ACB572 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law ALB132 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law AYB219 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law AYB325 Queensland University of Technology
Taxation law and practice AYN438 Queensland University of Technology
Tax law for tax agent skill set (Tax documentation) (Release 1 & 2) FNSSS00008 Registered training organisation
Tax law for tax agent skill set (Tax documentation) (Release 1 & 2) FNSSS00008 Registered training organisation
Taxation ACC302 Registered training organisation
Income tax law AFREG201A Registered training organisation
Income tax law principles + Income tax law applications 9434Q + 9434YA Registered training organisation
Tax law for tax agents skill set (Tax plans) (Release 1, 2 & 3) FNSSS00009 Registered training organisation
Taxation law and practice 3551G Registered training organisation
Income tax law for accountants 8672P Registered training organisation
Tax law and compliance ADA207 Registered training organisation
Income tax law for accountants DE882 Registered training organisation
Apply taxation requirements when providing tax (financial) advice services FNSTPB506 Registered training organisation
Taxation Law and Practice JUST 1079 RMIT University
Advanced Taxation DJ230 RMIT University
Taxation Law and Practice LAW2499 RMIT University
Taxation 1 AC461 RMIT University
Taxation 1 BL202 RMIT University
Taxation 1 BL461 RMIT University
Taxation law and practice DJ225 RMIT University
Taxation 1 JUST1031 RMIT University
Taxation law/ Taxation law and practice JUST1079 RMIT University
Taxation 1 LAW2453 RMIT University
Taxation law and practice LAW2471 RMIT University
Taxation and Strategies for Financial Planning E151 Securities Institute Education
Taxation AC132 Southern Cross University
Taxation+Superannuation and retirement planning+Financial planning ACCT2001+FINC2004+BUSN2002 Southern Cross University
Taxation ACCT2001 Southern Cross University
Taxation law and practice ACCT6005 Southern Cross University
Taxation procedures 331 Southern Cross University
Taxation procedures AC031 Southern Cross University
Taxation ACC00132 Southern Cross University
Taxation practice/ Taxation law and practice ACC00717 Southern Cross University
Income tax law HBC616 Swinburne University
Taxation Principles and Planning ACC80012 Swinburne University
Taxation ACC30005 Swinburne University
Taxation BC331 Swinburne University
Taxation BS306 Swinburne University
Taxation fundamentals CA529-001 Swinburne University
Taxation fundamentals FSACC502A Swinburne University
Taxation HBC331 Swinburne University
Taxation Issues and Planning HBC331 Swinburne University
Taxation HBC331N Swinburne University
Taxation LBC301 Swinburne University
Taxation fundamentals TS311 Swinburne University
Income Tax Law+Applied Income Tax ACBUS203A+ACBUS301A TAFE
Applied Income Tax Law plus Income Tax Law ACBUS301A plus ACBUS203A TAFE
Prepare tax documentation for individuals FNSACC512 TAFE
Tax Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax Documentation) Release 1 & 2 FNSSS00008 TAFE
Tax Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax Plans) Release 1, 2 & 3 FNSSS00009 TAFE
Taxation Planning FPTAX501A TAFE
Australian taxation law I + Australian taxation law II TAFESA TPB 1+TAFESA TPB 2 TAFE SA
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers TAFESA TPB 10 TAFE SA
Principles of taxation FP505 The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd
Principles of taxation FP501 The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd
Tax for financial advising Tax for financial advising The Tax Institute
Course in Australian taxation law CTA1+CTA2 The Tax Institute
Diploma of Australian taxation law Diploma of Australian taxation law The Tax Institute
Tax agent's course Tax agent's course The Tax Institute
CTA1 Foundations CTA1 The Tax Institute
CTA2 Advanced CTA2 The Tax Institute
Taxation Law TLAW301 Top Education Group Limited
Australian Taxation TLAW602 Top Education Group Limited
Taxation law LAW6001 Torrens University
Income tax law 111 + Business taxation & GST 111 COMMLAW3500+COMMLAW3501 University of Adelaide
Income taxation+Business taxation & GST COMMLAW7013+COMMLAW7016 University of Adelaide
Income Tax Law LAW3521 University of Adelaide
Tax, Estate and Wealth Planning CORPFIN6003 University of Adelaide
Tax superannuation and estate planning CORPFIN3003 University of Adelaide
Income tax law III 3010 University of Adelaide
Income tax law III (can appear on transcript without unit code) 5473 University of Adelaide
Income tax III/ Income tax IIH (tax agent only) 8761 University of Adelaide
Income tax law III COMMLAW3010 University of Adelaide
Income tax law III/Income tax law COMMLAW3500 University of Adelaide
Income taxation COMMLAW7013 University of Adelaide
Taxation law and practice BL731 University of Ballarat
Taxation law and practice BL916 University of Ballarat
Income tax law and practice BULAW3731 University of Ballarat
Taxation law and practice BULAW5916 University of Ballarat
Commercial law 3 N/a University of Canberra
Revenue law 4994 University of Canberra
Revenue law 11221 University of Canberra
Commercial law M3 3878 University of Canberra
Revenue law 4789 University of Canberra
Taxation law and practice 6279 University of Canberra
Revenue law 6417 University of Canberra
Taxation law 7037 University of Canberra
Taxation for Business Decision Making ACCT90016 University of Melbourne
Commercial law C3 (Taxation) 306-323 University of Melbourne
Taxation law 306-323 University of Melbourne
Taxation for business decision making 306-687 University of Melbourne
Taxation 730-407 University of Melbourne
Taxation law 732-303 University of Melbourne
Taxation law/ Taxation law I BLAW30002 University of Melbourne
Taxation law and policy LAWS50046 University of Melbourne
Australian income tax system/ Foundations of tax law LAWS70323 University of Melbourne
Foundations of tax law LAWS70323 University of Melbourne
Principles of taxation + Advanced taxation law LSSU592+LSSU593 University of New England
Taxation law for financial services LSSU395 University of New England
Taxation law for financial services LSSU595 University of New England
Taxation 1 AC111 University of New England
Taxation 1 ACC00111 University of New England
Taxation 2 ACC00112 University of New England
Taxation law GSB750 University of New England
Taxation law LAW352 University of New England
Principles of taxation law LS292 University of New England
Taxation law LS352 University of New England
Principles of taxation law LS392 University of New England
Principles of taxation law LSSU392 University of New England
Taxation law LSSU592 University of New England
Taxation law MBA750 University of New England
Business Taxation LEGT 2751 University of New South Wales
Tax strategies in Financial planning + SMSF Law + Financial Planning Advice and Ethics + Retirement Planning TABL5527 + TABL5540 + FINS5537 + ACTL5401 University of New South Wales
Taxation law 14.783 University of New South Wales
Taxation law 99.783 University of New South Wales
Principles of Australian taxation law ATAX0001 University of New South Wales
Principles of Australian taxation law ATAX100 University of New South Wales
Elements of Income tax law LAWS2051 University of New South Wales
Elements of Income tax law LAWS3147 University of New South Wales
Elements of Income tax law LAWS4440 University of New South Wales
Taxation law LEGT3751 University of New South Wales
Revenue law, Taxation law, Taxation law and practice LEGT5551 University of New South Wales
Business taxation LEGT7751 University of New South Wales
Principles of Australian taxation law TABL1001 University of New South Wales
Business taxation TABL2751 University of New South Wales
Taxation law TABL5551 University of New South Wales
Principles of Australian taxation law TABL5901 University of New South Wales
Taxation Law PACC6006 University of Newcastle
Taxation law/ Taxation ACFI3004 University of Newcastle
Taxation in Australia ACFI3170 University of Newcastle
Taxation A COMM209 University of Newcastle
Taxation A COMM317 University of Newcastle
Taxation and Law for Financial Planning BUSN6004 University of Notre Dame
Advanced Taxation Law LAWS3480 University of Notre Dame
Taxation BS245 University of Notre Dame
Taxation BS5153 University of Notre Dame
Introduction to Australian income tax LW347 University of Notre Dame
Taxation Law LA413 University of Queensland
Income tax law CO324 University of Queensland
Income tax law COMM3206 University of Queensland
Income tax law LAWS3101 University of Queensland
Introduction to taxation law LAWS5144 University of Queensland
Business taxation LAWS7012 University of Queensland
Introduction to taxation law LAWS7144 University of Queensland
Taxation ACCT5031 University of South Australia
UO Taxation 1 ACCT3016 University of South Australia
Taxation 1 (unit code may not be present on transcript) BAC305 University of South Australia
Taxation law 6466 University of South Australia
Taxation law 1 ACCT3002 University of South Australia
Taxation law M - changed to Taxation ACCT5017 University of South Australia
Taxation law and practice 1 (1993) BU3137 University of South Australia
Taxation law BU5373 University of South Australia
Tax and estate Planning FIN320 University of Southern Queensland
Revenue law and practice + Reevenue law and practice II/ Revenue law and practice A+Revenue law and practice B LAW3130+LAW3131 University of Southern Queensland
Taxation law 51125 University of Southern Queensland
Revenue law and practice 51130 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law and aspects of company law 52199 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law CO223 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law CO323 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law COMM3206 University of Southern Queensland
Revenue law and practice/ Revenue law and practice A LAW3130 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law and aspects of company law LAW5219 University of Southern Queensland
Taxation law (GST only no payroll) LAW5230 University of Southern Queensland
Income tax law LAWS3101 University of Southern Queensland
Tax and Business RMBU2543 University of Sydney
Tax and Business RMBU2643 University of Sydney
Accounting extension course in Australian taxation law Accounting extension course in Australian taxation law University of Sydney
Commercial law III N/A University of Sydney
Impact of tax on business structures and operations Impact of tax on business structures and operations University of Sydney
Income tax law I Income tax law I University of Sydney
Personal taxation Personal Taxation University of Sydney
Principles of taxation law Principles of taxation law University of Sydney
Taxation law and practice Taxation law and practice University of Sydney
Australian Income Tax LAWS3412 University of Sydney
Australian Income Tax LAWS5112 University of Sydney
Australian taxation law Centre for continuing education University of Sydney
Australian taxation law 210110 University of Sydney
Australian taxation law 520130 University of Sydney
Australian taxation law AUSTL-5 University of Sydney
Australian taxation system CLAW3001 University of Sydney
Australian taxation system CLAW3201 University of Sydney
Concepts of Australian taxation CLAW5002 University of Sydney
Concepts of Australian taxation/ Taxation Law and Practice CLAW6026 University of Sydney
Australian income tax system LAWS6016 University of Sydney
The impact of tax on business operations and structures/ Introduction to Australian Business Tax LAWS6825 University of Sydney
Taxation and revenue law LEC12 University of Sydney
Taxation strategies BFA609 University of Tasmania
Taxation BFA391 University of Tasmania
Australian tax law BFA714 University of Tasmania
Tax 1 BLA662 University of Tasmania
Taxation law LAW351 University of Tasmania
Revenue Law 34401 University of Technology Sydney
Financial planning and taxation 25888 University of Technology Sydney
Revenue law 76212 University of Technology Sydney
Introduction to taxation law 77938 University of Technology Sydney
Taxation law 79017 University of Technology Sydney
Revenue law 79462 University of Technology Sydney
Revenue law 794620 University of Technology Sydney
Taxation law AFCC22012 University of Technology Sydney
Revenue law GCC7921 University of Technology Sydney
Revenue law GCCA21024 University of Technology Sydney
Taxation Law and Practice+Tax and Estate Planning ACC311+FIN320 University of the Sunshine Coast
Taxation law and practice ACC311 University of the Sunshine Coast
Taxation law and practice ACC611 University of the Sunshine Coast
Taxation ACCT2331 University of Western Australia
Taxation law + Taxation of business enterprises & foreign income LAWS2206+LAWS3363 University of Western Australia
Taxation law + Taxation of business enterprises & foreign income LAWS2206+LAWS3363 University of Western Australia
Basic principles of the law of income taxation 362 200.362 University of Western Australia
Taxation 331 University of Western Australia
Taxation 331 460.331 University of Western Australia
Taxation ACCT3331 University of Western Australia
Principles of taxation ACCT5637 University of Western Australia
Taxation law LAWS2206 University of Western Australia
Tax planning/Taxation for Financial Planners ACCY228 University of Wollongong
Professional practice-Taxation ACCY963 University of Wollongong
Taxation law LAW315 University of Wollongong
Revenue law LLB341 University of Wollongong
Prepare income tax returns+Implement tax plans and evaluate tax compliance+Prepare complex tax returns and lodgements FNBACC02B + FNSACCT603A + FNSACCT601A Victoria University
Taxation Law & Practice+Advanced Taxation BBA214+BBA317 Victoria University
Taxation law of Australia BAO6005 Victoria University
Taxation law 14.783 Victoria University
Taxation BAO5567 Victoria University
Taxation law BLB3134 Victoria University
Taxation law and practice BLO2206 Victoria University
Australian income tax law and practice BLO5539 Victoria University
Principles of financial planning+Superannuation+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement 200866+200867+200869+200871 Western Sydney University
Financial products and markets+Adviser communication skills+Superannuation+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement+Contemporary issues in taxation 200986+200987+200867+200869+200871+200872 Western Sydney University
Principles of financial planning+Superannuation(EO)+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement (EO) 200866+900659+200869+900657 Western Sydney University
Taxation 51247 Western Sydney University
Revenue law 200019 Western Sydney University
Revenue law 200397 Western Sydney University
Taxation law and practice 616523 Western Sydney University
Taxation planning and implications AC808A Western Sydney University
Taxation law F3002 Western Sydney University
Taxation law+Advanced taxation law+Retirement and succession planning 200187+200186+200899 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Revenue law + Planning and retirement + Contemporary issues in taxation 200397+200871+200872 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Taxation law+Advanced taxation law+Retirement planning+Estate and Succession Planning 200187+200186+200569+200624 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Taxation Law AC302A Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Revenue Law (PG) 51228 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Taxation law 200187 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Aggregate of: Principles of Taxation; Contemporary Issues in taxation; Supperannuation; Planning for retirement 200869+200872+200867+200871 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)

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Commercial law courses

Course name Course number Course provider
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers TPB507 AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers TPB507FA AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428
Corporations and trusts law + Property law + Contract and consumer law AECL001+AECL002+AECL003 Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd)
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers AETACL Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd)
Business law BB213 Australian Catholic University
Introduction to law/ Introduction to business law LEGL101 Australian Catholic University
Business law ACC203 Australian Institute of Higher Education
Commercial law GSF103 Australian Institute of Management
Introduction to commercial law+Law of business entites BUSN1101+BUSN2101 Australian National University
Introduction to commercial law BUSN1101 Australian National University
Introduction to commercial law+Law of business entities COMM1101+COMM2101 Australian National University
Commercial law BUSN7052 Australian National University
Introductory business law LAW2101 Australian National University
Business law+Corporate law LA241+LA240 Avondale College
Corporate law+Business law LAWS26000+BBUS14060 Avondale College
Business law LAWS10-100 Bond University
Business Law BBAL201 Cambridge International College Australia
Commercial law G1 124 Canberra College of Advanced Education
Business law 1 LEGL106 Canberra Institute of Technology
Principles of law LEGL138 Canberra Institute of Technology
Law and commerce LEGL139 Canberra Institute of Technology
Apply legal principles in commercial law and property law LEGL417 Canberra Institute of Technology
Australian commercial law LAWS20058 Central Queensland University
Commercial Law LAWS11054 Central Queensland University
Australian Commercial Law LAWS 20058 Central Queensland University
Introduction to legal studies /Introducing the law CO121 Central Queensland University
Legal studies A /Legal studies A /Law of contract CO222 Central Queensland University
Introductory and contract law LAWS11030 Central Queensland University
Commercial law/Mercantile law LAWS19031 Central Queensland University
Business law LAWS20028 Central Queensland University
Law for management LAWS20037 Central Queensland University
Introduction to business law CML101 Charles Darwin University
Introduction to Legal Studies LWZ100A Charles Darwin University
Commercial law LAW514 Charles Darwin University
Commercial law and corporations law for managers PRBL004 Charles Darwin University
Business and corporations law LAW504 Charles Sturt University
Commercial law 1 LAW5114 Charles Sturt University
Introduction to law JST446 Charles Sturt University
Australian law and society LAW1014 Charles Sturt University
Business law LAW110 Charles Sturt University
Commercial law LAW2014 Charles Sturt University
Legal issues for business LAW205 Charles Sturt University
Commercial law/Contract law LAW210 Charles Sturt University
Commercial law 1 LAW511 Charles Sturt University
Business law 202 Chifley Business School Pty Ltd
Business law I (1992) N/a Chisholm Institute of Technology
Business law ADM121 Chisholm Institute of Technology
Tax (financial) adviser (TFA) solution - commercial law unit No code CPA Australia
Introduction to Business Law + Company Law for Business BLAW 1006 + BLAW 2006 Curtin University
Legal Framework for Managers LAWS5001 Curtin University
Fundamentals of business and corporations law BLAW5016 Curtin University
Law (Business) 151/ Law 100/A 1428 Curtin University
Legal environment 560 5934 Curtin University
Business law 300673 Curtin University
Legal environment 308340 Curtin University
Fundamentals of business and corporations law 565 312349 Curtin University
Business law BLAW1004 Curtin University
Business law BLW14 Curtin University
Business Law 1A 96162 Deakin University
Contract + Torts MLL111+ MLL213 Deakin University
Business law 1 BSBB0131 Deakin University
Business law BSBG5512 Deakin University
Introduction to law and contract law MCM171 Deakin University
Business law/ Law for Commerce MLC101 Deakin University
Commercial and Corporations Law/ Business Law MLC707 Deakin University
Commercial and corporations law MLC711 Deakin University
Law for managers MLC771 Deakin University
Introduction to commercial law MLM720 Deakin University
Legal framework/ Legal framework 1 LAW1100 Edith Cowan University
Commercial law LAW5111 Edith Cowan University
Fundamentals of law BULAW1502 Federation University - Previously University of Ballarat
Commercial Law BULAW5914 Federation University - Previously University of Ballarat
Commercial law A+Commercial law B 40111+40216 Flinders University
Introduction to business law BUSN1010 Flinders University
Law for business BUSN1019 Flinders University
Principles of commercial law BUSN9123 Flinders University
Introduction to business law COMM1009 Flinders University
Principles of business and corporations law 7823AFE Griffith University
Introduction to business law + Company law + Law of finance 2105AFE+2106AFE+3105AFE Griffith University
The Australian Legal System FF71A30 Griffith University
The Australian Legal System FF71A30G Griffith University
Business and company law 2110AFE Griffith University
Introduction to business law 2006ABF Griffith University
Introduction to business law 2006LAW Griffith University
Legal issues for managers 2007PPP Griffith University
Introduction to business law 2105AFE Griffith University
Introduction to business law 2185AFE Griffith University
Commercial law 3009ABF Griffith University
Principles of business law 7007ABF Griffith University
Principles of business law 7105AFE Griffith University
Principles of business and corporations law 7159 AFE Griffith University
Australian legal systems 7203ACF Griffith University
Business law 1 BB11F05 Griffith University
Introduction to business law BB11F08 Griffith University
Introduction to commercial law/ Introduction to Legal Processes FF12L10 Griffith University
Introduction to business law LAW1101G Griffith University
Introduction to law PPP1002 Griffith University
Australian legal systems+Entities and business structures+Property law COMMLAW1+COMMLAW2+COMMLAW3 HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education
Australian legal systems COMMLAW1 HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education
Business and corporate law HI6027 Holmes Institute
Business law HA2022 Holmes Institute
Introduction to business law HI5018 Holmes Institute
Business and corporations law MPA106 Holmesglen
Commercial law (1971) No code Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
Business Law and Ethics BU2111 James Cook University
Contract law 1+Torts A - Specific torts+Torts B - Negligence LA2011+LA2019+LA2020 James Cook University
Contract law 2+Torts A - Specific torts+Torts B - Negligence LA1106+LA2019+LA2020 James Cook University
Business law and ethics/ Business law BU1112 James Cook University
Introduction to commercial law CO1501 James Cook University
Business law CO2501 James Cook University
Business and the law CO5004 James Cook University
Business and the law LB5004 James Cook University
Commercial Law BUS107 Kaplan Business School
Commercial Law CLW1000 Kaplan Business School
Business and corporations law CLWM4000 Kaplan Business School
Commercial Law TASACLv2 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Economic and Legal Context for Financial Planning (Version 2 from study period 6 2019 onwards) FPC001B (Version 2) Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Economic and legal context for financial planning FPC001B (Version 3, study period 1 2021) Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Economic and legal context for financial planning FPC001B (Version 4, study period 1 2022) Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Business and commercial law BFC103 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Commercial Law TASACLv1 Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional)
Business Law BLAW204 Kent Institute of Business and Technology
Business Law BUS702 King's Own Institute
Business Law LST1BSL La Trobe University
Law of Commercial Contract + Law of Business Association LST12LCC + LST12LBA La Trobe University
Law of Commercial Contract+Law of Business Association LST11LCC+LST22LBA La Trobe University
Law of commercial contract+Law of business association LST11LCC+LST12LBA La Trobe University
Introduction to Business Law LST51IBL La Trobe University
Law of contracts+Law of torts LAW20CNT+LAW20TOR La Trobe University
Law of contracts+Law of torts LAWCONT+LAWTORT La Trobe University
Legal studies (Commercial law) 1980 1AC La Trobe University
Business law 1 2141BL La Trobe University
Business law I BLAWBL1 La Trobe University
Legal studies (Law and accountants) L1AC La Trobe University
Legal studies (Law of commercial contract) L1LCC La Trobe University
Introduction to business law LST11IBL La Trobe University
Business law/ Introduction to business law/ Introduction to business law and ethics LST2BSL La Trobe University
Introduction to business law LST52IBL La Trobe University
Commercial law LST5CML La Trobe University
Torts+Contracts LAW203+LAW204 Macquarie University
Torts/ Legal History+Contracts LAW103+LAW204 Macquarie University
Business law ACCG851 Macquarie University
Business law BUSL250 Macquarie University
Business law BUSL250 Macquarie University
Business law BUSL314 Macquarie University
Business Law MLC101 Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd
The Legal Environment and Business Decisions MIT534601 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Business and Company Law MA506 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Commercial law BB107 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Commercial law DB107 Melbourne Institute of Technology
Introduction to law 81108 Mitchell College of Advanced Education
Commercial law 81208 Mitchell College of Advanced Education
MCLTFA Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers, comprising of the following units:Contract and consumer law/ Corporations and trusts law/ Property law MCL001+MCL002+MCL003 Monarch Institute
Business Law AF211 Monash University
Business Law+Banking Law+Corporations Law BTF1010+BTF2601+BTX2000 Monash University
Business Law BTC2110 Monash University
Commercial Law TBX1010 Monash University
Contract 200+Torts 200 LAWS2100+LAWS2200 Monash University
Business and company law BTF5955 Monash University
Introduction to Business Law+Contract Law GBU1201+GBU1202 Monash University
Introduction to Business Law+Contract Law GBU1201+GBU1202 Monash University
Business organisations 3250 Monash University
Business law AAF2110 Monash University
Commercial law BTB1010 Monash University
Business law/ Commercial law BTC1110 Monash University
Commercial law BTF1010 Monash University
Law and business decisions BTF5903 Monash University
Business law BTF9020 Monash University
Business law BTW1200 Monash University
Commercial law BTX1010 Monash University
Business law BTX9020 Monash University
Business and corporations law BTX9500 Monash University
Commercial law FIN1010 Monash University
Business law FIN6020 Monash University
Contract law GBU1202 Monash University
The legal environment of business MBA9002 Monash University
Introductory law MCD1380 Monash University
Business law MCD2070 Monash University
Principles of commercial law BUS165 Murdoch University
Principles of commercial law BUSL165 Murdoch University
Principles of commercial law C165 Murdoch University
Commercial law C401B Murdoch University
Business Law I + Business Law II + Business LLaw III 18001 + 18002 + 18003 Nepean College of Advanced Education
Introduction to Business Law ADA101 North Melbourne Institute of Technology
Introduction to business law BACC101 Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
Business law BLW14 Open University
Law of business entities + Superannuation regulation and practice + Business law and ethics AYB205+AYB2450+BSB111 Queensland University of Technology
Legal Foundations A+Torts A+ContractsA LWB145+LWB147+LWB136 Queensland University of Technology
Property Law 2 CNB193 Queensland University of Technology
Contracts A+ Fundamentals of Torts LWB136+LWB138 Queensland University of Technology
Contracts B+Fundamentals of Torts LWB137+LWB138 Queensland University of Technology
Business law and ethics BSB111.4 Queensland University of Technology
Contracts + torts LWB132+LWB133 Queensland University of Technology
Business law I ACB371 Queensland University of Technology
Business law ALB110 Queensland University of Technology
Business law AYB120 Queensland University of Technology
Business Law and Ethics AYN410 Queensland University of Technology
Business and corporations law AYN456 Queensland University of Technology
Business law and ethics BSB111 Queensland University of Technology
Introduction to law LW3000 Queensland University of Technology
Corporations law + Business law and Ethics ACC207 + BUS203 Registered training organisation
Commercial law I + Commercial law II 8395F+9434R Registered training organisation
Commercial law I + Commercial law II BULAW201A + BULAW202A Registered training organisation
Apply legal principles in consumer and contract law + Apply legal principles in corporations and trusts law + Apply legal principles in property law FNSTPB503+FNSTPB504+FNSTPB505 Registered training organisation
Commercial law for tax agent skill set (Release 1) FNSSS00005 Registered training organisation
Commercial law 1 8635MA Registered training organisation
Commercial law 1 8672D Registered training organisation
Business law BBC131 Registered training organisation
Apply legal principles in commercial law when providing tax (financial) advice services FNSTPB507 Registered training organisation
Commercial Law LAW2442 RMIT University
Business Law JUST 2226 RMIT University
Commercial Law JUST1022 RMIT University
Commercial law of banking AC464 RMIT University
Commercial law A AC104 RMIT University
Commercial law B AC105 RMIT University
Commercial law AC402A RMIT University
Commercial law AC402B RMIT University
Commercial law BL101 RMIT University
Business law 1 DL034 RMIT University
Commercial law JUST1016 RMIT University
Commercial law/ Business Law JUST2226 RMIT University
Business and corporations law LAW2480 RMIT University
Commercial and contract law LAW5025 RMIT University
Introduction to business law + Company law LEGL1003 + LAWS2001 Southern Cross University
Legal studies LEGL5001 Southern Cross University
Law and society LA001 Southern Cross University
Commercial law LA003 Southern Cross University
Legal studies 1 LA101 Southern Cross University
Introduction to law and contract LA130 Southern Cross University
Introduction to business law LAW00150 Southern Cross University
Legal studies LAW00720 Southern Cross University
Introduction to Business Law LAW10001 Swinburne University
Introduction to Business Law LAW10009 Swinburne University
Law in a Global Business HBL111 Swinburne University
Corporations and Contract Law LAW60003 Swinburne University
Introduction to Business Law + Law of Commerce + Finance Law LAW10004 + LAW20019 + LAW30002 Swinburne University
Legal environment of business BL101 Swinburne University
Legal environment of business BL110 Swinburne University
Law of business organisations BL202 Swinburne University
Business law 1B BS107 Swinburne University
Introduction to Business Law LAW10004 Swinburne University
Introduction to Business Law LAW10004 Swinburne University
Introduction to commercial law LAW10006 Swinburne University
Introduction to commercial law LBL100 Swinburne University
Introduction to commercial law 1a TS243 Swinburne University
Introduction to business law HBL111N Swinburne University TAFE
Commercial Law I+Commercial Law II ACBUS201A+ACBUS202A TAFE
Apply legal principles in consumer and contract law+Apply legal principles in corporations and trust law+Apply legal principles in property law FNSTPB503+FNSTPB504+FNSTPB505 TAFE
Commercial law for tax agent skill set (Release 1) FNSSS00005 TAFE
Commercial Law I+Commercial Law II BULAW201A+BULAW202A TAFE
Commercial and Corporations Law FPLAW501A TAFE
Australian commercial law I+Australian commercial law II+Australian commercial law III TAFESA TPB3+TAFESA TPB4+TAFESA TPB5 TAFE SA
Australian commercial law for tax (financial) advisers TAFESA TPB11 TAFE SA
Australian commercial law I TAFESA TPB3 TAFE SA
Commercial law & financial advice FP503 The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd
Commercial law & financial advice FP506 The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd
Commercial law for tax for financial advising Commercial law for tax for financial advising The Tax Institute
Tax agent's course Tax agent's course The Tax Institute
Australian legal systems + Entities and business structures + Property law COMMLAW1+COMMLAW2+COMMLAW3 The Tax Institute
Australian legal systems COMMLAW1 The Tax Institute
Australian Commercial Law TLAW601 Top Education Group Limited
Business law TLAW401 Top Education Group Limited
Business Law LAW2000 Torrens University
Business law BBC131 Universal Business School Sydney
Commercial law and information systems + Corporate law + Legal aspects of international business COMMERCE702+COMMLAW7011+COMMLAW7022 University of Adelaide
Commercial law 1 + Commercial law 11 + Legal aspects of international business 111 COMMLAW1004 + COMMLAW2500 + COMMLAW7022 University of Adelaide
Business and Corporations Law COMMLAW7012 University of Adelaide
Commercial law 1H+Commercial law 11H LL2H+EG3F University of Adelaide
Commercial law I (S) 1004 University of Adelaide
Commercial law I (full year unit) (can appear on transcript without unit code) 3349 University of Adelaide
Commercial law I (S) 6362 University of Adelaide
Commercial law I/Commercial law I (S) COMMLAW1004 University of Adelaide
Fundamentals of law BL502 University of Ballarat
Commercial law BL914 University of Ballarat
Fundamentals of law BULAW1502 University of Ballarat
Commercial law BULAW5914 University of Ballarat
Business law 11220 University of Canberra
Introduction to business law 4977 University of Canberra
Introduction to law 4991 University of Canberra
Business law G 6225 University of Canberra
Torts+Contracts LAWS50025+LAWS50029 University of Melbourne
Legal issues for accountants 306-686 University of Melbourne
Commercial law A 341-101 University of Melbourne
Principles of business law/ Introduction to business law (can appear on transcript with or without hyphen in unit code) 732-103 University of Melbourne
Legal issues for accountants ACCT90015 University of Melbourne
Principles of business law BLAW10001 University of Melbourne
Introduction to Business Law LSSU251 University of New England
Issues in business and corporations law/ Issues in commercial and financial services law LSSU594 University of New England
Principles of Australian law+Legal studies+Law of commercial associations LSSU450+LSSU451+LSSU591 University of New England
Issues in commercial and financial services law LSSU394 University of New England
Commercial law I: Principles of Australian law GSB410 University of New England
Legal studies GSB748 University of New England
Introduction to business law LS151 University of New England
Introduction to business law LS251 University of New England
Commercial law I: Principles of Australian law LSSU450 University of New England
Legal studies LSSU451 University of New England
Legal studies MBA748 University of New England
Contracts 1+Torts LAWS1071+LAWS1061 University of New South Wales
CONSTRUCTION LAW BLDG1281 University of New South Wales
Business Law ZBUS8109 University of New South Wales
Business and the law TABL2710 University of New South Wales
Framework of Commercial law + Law of companies, trusts and partnerships ATAX0004+ATAX0009 University of New South Wales
Law in society 14.601 University of New South Wales
Legal environment of commerce 14.774 University of New South Wales
The legal environment of business 14.971G University of New South Wales
Legal environment of commerce ACCT14774 University of New South Wales
Framework of commercial law ATAX0004 University of New South Wales
Business and the law LEGT1710 University of New South Wales
Legal environment of commerce LEGT1711 University of New South Wales
Legal foundations for accountants LEGT5512 University of New South Wales
Law for business LEGT5513 University of New South Wales
Legal environment of commerce LEGT7711 University of New South Wales
Business and the law TABL1710 University of New South Wales
Legal foundations of business TABL5511 University of New South Wales
Legal foundations for accounting TABL5512 University of New South Wales
Law for business TABL5513 University of New South Wales
Foundations Of Law LAW101 University of Newcastle
Foundations Of Law LAW101 University of Newcastle
Contracts+Torts A LAWS3004B+LAWS2003A University of Newcastle
Contracts+Torts A LAWS3004A+LAWS2003A University of Newcastle
Foundations of law LAW1010 University of Newcastle
Foundations of law LEGL1001 University of Newcastle
Business law BS240 University of Notre Dame
Business law BS5155 University of Notre Dame
Law of Torts A+Law of Contract A LAWS1113+LAWS2111 University of Queensland
Law of Torts B+Law of Contract B LAWS1114+LAWS2112 University of Queensland
Legal Environment of Business CO812 University of Queensland
Introducing the law CO121 University of Queensland
Business law CO122 University of Queensland
Business law COMM1201 University of Queensland
Business law LAWS1100 University of Queensland
Foundations of Business Law COML 1001 University of South Australia
Financial advice regulatory and legal obligations COML5017 University of South Australia
UO Financial advice regulatory and legal obligations COML5018 University of South Australia
UO Business law+UO Companies and partnership law LAWS1019+COML2020 University of South Australia
Foundations of business law+Companies and partnership law COML1001+COML2005 University of South Australia
Law of contract+Business law (unit code may not be present on transcript) MLW101+BLW103 University of South Australia
Business Law + Companies and Partnership Law LAWS1018 + COML2005 University of South Australia
Introductory law 1 20 University of South Australia
Introductory law 2 1091 University of South Australia
Introductory law 1 BU1126 University of South Australia
Introductory law 2 BU1131 University of South Australia
Introduction to law COML1001 University of South Australia
Commercial law M COML5009 University of South Australia
Commercial and corporations law M JUST5017 University of South Australia
Introduction to law LAWS1002 University of South Australia
Commercial and corporations law LAWS5009 University of South Australia
Australian commercial and corporations law LAW8500 University of Southern Queensland
Introduction to business and company law LAW1500 University of Southern Queensland
Introduction to law + Business and consumer law + Law of business organisations LAW1101+LAW2104+LAW2106 University of Southern Queensland
Business law 51123 University of Southern Queensland
Law and business 55505 University of Southern Queensland
Introduction to law+Law of business organisations LAW1101+LAW2106 University of Southern Queensland
Commercial law LAW5201 University of Southern Queensland
Australian law and business/ Law and Business LAW5503 University of Southern Queensland
Business Law RMBU1235 University of Sydney
Torts and Contracts II LAWS1017 University of Sydney
Law I+Law IIA Not appl University of Sydney
Legal Environment of Business + Corporations Law Claw5001+Claw6002 University of Sydney
Basic business law BUSL250 University of Sydney
Commercial transactions A/Foundations of business law CLAW1001 University of Sydney
Legal environment of business CLAW5001 University of Sydney
Business Law BFA506 University of Tasmania
Business and corporate law BFA601 University of Tasmania
Commercial law and estate planning/ Commercial law and financial services regulation BFA514 University of Tasmania
Commercial transactions BFA141 University of Tasmania
Business law BFA706 University of Tasmania
Principles of business law BMA141 University of Tasmania
Principles of business law LELA71 University of Tasmania
Introduction to Law 16851 University of Technology Sydney
Applied Company Law + Business Law and Ethics + Contemporary Business Law 79014+79203+79708 University of Technology Sydney
Business Law and Ethics 79203 University of Technology Sydney
Commercial Law 79267 University of Technology Sydney
Commercial law 1 22160 University of Technology Sydney
Introduction to law 70110 University of Technology Sydney
Advanced commercial law 79018 University of Technology Sydney
Business law 79202 University of Technology Sydney
Contemporary business law 79708 University of Technology Sydney
Law for business and company law 79101K University of Technology Sydney
Business law and ethics Part 11 LAW402 University of Technology Sydney
Business Law and Ethics BUS203 University of the Sunshine Coast
Business law and ethics BUS103 University of the Sunshine Coast
Principles of commercial law BUS503 University of the Sunshine Coast
Law and society LA001 University of the Sunshine Coast
Introduction to law and contract LA130 University of the Sunshine Coast
Australian Legal Principles and Institutions LAWS1120 University of Western Australia
Legal Framework of Business 100 450.1 University of Western Australia
Australian Legal Principles and Institutions + Company Law LAWS1220+LAWS2301 University of Western Australia
Commercial and Company Law LAWS8508 University of Western Australia
Legal Framework of Business 100 (450.100) Legal Framework of Business 100 (450.100) University of Western Australia
Principles of Commercial Law 520 450.52 University of Western Australia
Introduction to law 104 104 University of Western Australia
Introduction to law 104 200.104 University of Western Australia
Introduction to law LAWS1104 University of Western Australia
Commercial and Company Law LAWS5508 University of Western Australia
Law in Society LAW100 University of Wollongong
Law, Business & Society/ Introduction to Law LAW101 University of Wollongong
Business Law I ACCY161 University of Wollongong
Contract Law A+Law of Torts LLB120+LLB240 University of Wollongong
Contract Law B+Law of Torts LLB170+LLB240 University of Wollongong
Business Law + Corporate Law BAO1105 + BAO2205 Victoria University
Business Law+Law of Organisations BBL131+BBL231 Victoria University
Business Law + Company Law BLO5537 + BLO5538 Victoria University
Business Law BAO5537 Victoria University
Business law principles/ Principles of business law WDB1002 Victoria University
Financial advice, corporations & commercial law BAO7008 Victoria University
Business law BLO1105 Victoria University
Establish business and legal requirements BSBSBM401A Victoria University
Enterprise Law 200909 Western Sydney University
Introduction to business law 700004 Western Sydney University
Law of business organizations+Introduction to business law 200183+200184 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Law of business organisations + Law of commercial obligations + Enterprise law 200183+200554+200909 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Property law + Law of business organisations + Introduction to business law 200012+200183+200184 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Commercial Law (PG) 51226 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Business transactions law D2012G Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Business transactions law D2707G Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Introduction to legal principles 61511.1 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Introduction to business law 200184 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Commercial law 200432 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Business law CDC125 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Introduction to business law F1012 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Commercial law LAWS5508 Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)
Business Law LW110A Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney)

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Last updated: 11/02/2025 11:39