Tax (financial) advice services
From 1 January 2022, additional education and training requirements apply to relevant providers who provide, or intend to provide, tax (financial) advice services to retail clients.
Specifically, under Division 3 of Part 3 of the Corporations (Relevant Providers—Education and Training Standards) Determination 2021 (Relevant Providers Determination), relevant providers who provide, or intend to provide, tax (financial) advice services must complete specified courses in commercial law and taxation law before providing tax (financial) advice services, unless one or more of the following transitional provisions apply:
- From 1 January 2022, relevant providers who were registered as individual tax (financial) advisers with the Tax Practitioners Board immediately before 1 January 2022 are not required to complete commercial law and taxation law courses. These relevant providers are considered to have already met these requirements.
- From the date the person's registration with the Tax Practitioners Board as an individual tax (financial) adviser comes into force, relevant providers who applied to be registered as an individual tax (financial) adviser on or before 31 December 2021 (and whose application has subsequently been approved by the Tax Practitioners Board) are not required to complete commercial law and taxation law courses. These relevant providers are also considered to have already met these requirements.
- Between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2025, existing providers who were relevant providers immediately before 1 January 2022 have until either their exam cut-off date (if they have not passed the exam), or 31 December 2025 (if they have passed the exam) to complete the required commercial law and taxation law courses.
Relevant providers who have previously completed commercial law and/or taxation law courses approved by the Tax Practitioners Board under paragraphs 301(b), 302(b) and 303(a) of Schedule 2 to the Tax Agent Services Regulations 2009 (as in force on 31 December 2021) are not required to complete the courses again and can provide tax (financial) advice services from 1 January 2022. For ease of reference, these courses are listed below.
Otherwise, the specific requirements that must be satisfied with respect to each of the specified courses are listed in sections 3-65 and 3-70 of Division 3 of Part 3 of the Relevant Providers Determination. Relevant providers and/or their Australian financial services licensees should review and assess relevant course outline(s) to determine whether they meet the requirements of the Relevant Providers Determination.
For more information, see Information Sheet 268 FAQs: Relevant providers who provide tax (financial) advice services (INFO 268).
Click on the tabs below to expand:
Australian taxation law courses
Course name | Course number | Course provider |
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers | TPB506 | AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428 |
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers | TPB506 | AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428 |
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers | TPB506FA | AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428 |
Individual taxation + Taxation of legal entities | AETL001+AETL002 | Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd) |
Individual taxation + Tax planning and compliance | AETL001+AETL003 | Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd) |
Taxation law for tax (financial) advisers | AETLFA | Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd) |
Taxation law | BB313 | Australian Catholic University |
Taxation law | LEGL300 | Australian Catholic University |
Taxation law | LEGL602 | Australian Catholic University |
Tax law | ACC304 | Australian Institute of Higher Education |
Australian taxation law | GSF102 | Australian Institute of Management |
Principles of taxation law | COMM3014 | Australian National University |
Principles of income tax law | BUSN3014 | Australian National University |
Taxation law | BUSN7021 | Australian National University |
Taxation law & practice+Concept and entity taxation | AC340+AC341 | Avondale College |
Taxation | 2141TL | Bendigo College of Advanced Education |
Principles of taxation law | LAWS13-415 | Bond University |
Principles of taxation law | LAWS71-415 | Bond University |
Principles of taxation law | LAWS77-415 | Bond University |
Principles of taxation law | LAWS10-415 | Bond University |
Tax law for accountants | ACCT255 | Canberra Institute of Technology |
Taxation Law of Australia | LAWS20060 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation Law of Australia | LAWS 20060 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation law and practice IIIA | 21356 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation law and practice A | 25341 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation law and practice A | LAWS19033 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation law/ Australian taxation law | LAWS20023 | Central Queensland University |
Taxation 1 | CMT301 | Charles Darwin University |
Australian taxation law | LAW511 | Charles Darwin University |
Australian taxation law | PRBL003 | Charles Darwin University |
Taxation 1 | TAX301 | Charles Darwin University |
Taxation law (principles) | LAW301 | Charles Sturt University |
Income tax law & practice | LAW3014 | Charles Sturt University |
Taxation law and practice | LAW320 | Charles Sturt University |
Taxation 1 | LAW505 | Charles Sturt University |
Australian taxation | LAW514 | Charles Sturt University |
Taxation strategies | LAW545 | Charles Sturt University |
CA Tax module – post 2011 | N/A | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand |
CA Tax module – pre 2011 | N/A | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand |
Tax (AU) | CACC1503 | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand |
Tax law and practice | BZ311 | Christian Heritage College |
Tax (financial) adviser (TFA) solution - taxation law unit | Not Applicable | CPA Australia |
Advanced taxation | Not applic. | CPA Australia |
Australia taxation | Australia taxation | CPA Australia |
Advanced taxation | ACCG909 | CPA Australia |
Advanced taxation | ACCG909 | CPA Australia |
Introduction to Australian Tax Law | BLW32 | Curtin University |
Taxation 303/ Taxation 300A | 3381 | Curtin University |
Taxation 301 | 6798 | Curtin University |
Taxation 231 | 11041 | Curtin University |
Taxation 331 | 11041 | Curtin University |
Taxation 531 | 11945 | Curtin University |
Taxation | BLW22 | Curtin University |
Taxation 231 / Introduction to Australian tax law | TAXA2000 | Curtin University |
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law | TAXA2001 | Curtin University |
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law | TAXA2001 | Curtin University |
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law | TAXA2001 | Curtin University |
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law | TAXA2001 | Curtin University |
Taxation/ Introduction to Australian Tax Law | TAXA2001 | Curtin University |
Taxation 301 | TAXA3007 | Curtin University |
Taxation 531/ Fundamentals of Australian tax law | TAXA5001 | Curtin University |
Income taxation law | MCM272 | Deakin University |
Income taxation law and practice | MLC204 | Deakin University |
Principles of income tax law | MLC301 | Deakin University |
Principles of income tax law | MLC703 | Deakin University |
Taxation | MLC712 | Deakin University |
Taxation | MLL322 | Deakin University |
Taxation | MLL406 | Deakin University |
Taxation law II | LAW2400 | Edith Cowan University |
Income tax framework II | LAW2410 | Edith Cowan University |
Taxation law | LAW3109 | Edith Cowan University |
Taxation law IV | LAW4300 | Edith Cowan University |
Taxation law | LAW5300 | Edith Cowan University |
Taxation Law | LAW303 | Elite Education Institute Pty. Ltd. |
CFP Certification Program | CFP1 + CFP2 + CFP3 +CFP4 + CFPC (Pre 2016) | Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) |
CFP Certification Program | CFP1A+CFP2A+CFP3A+CFP4A+CFPCMCY | Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) |
CFP Certification Program | CFP1 + CFP2 + CFP3 + CFP4 + CFPC (2016 on) | Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) |
Taxation and Strategies for Financial Planning | E151 | Financial Services Institute of Australia (FINSIA) |
Taxation Law and Practice | BUSN3054 | Flinders University |
Taxation Law and Practice | BUSN3022 | Flinders University |
Taxation law and practice | BUSN3012 | Flinders University |
Perspectives on taxation law | BUSN9122 | Flinders University |
Taxation law and practice | COMM3003 | Flinders University |
Revenue law:Theory and policy in action + Taxation planning | 3106AFE+3108AFE | Griffith University |
Income tax law for accountants/ Income tax law+Applied tax | 7106AFE+7161AFE | Griffith University |
Income Tax Law+Applied Tax | 7817AFE+7822AFE | Griffith University |
Income Tax Law+Applied Taxation | 7817GBS+7822AFE | Griffith University |
Tax and investments/ Taxation law | 2150AFE | Griffith University |
Revenue law: Theory and policy | 3008ABF | Griffith University |
Introduction to taxation law | 3102LAW | Griffith University |
Revenue law: Theory and policy in action | 3106AFE | Griffith University |
Revenue Law: Theory & Policy in action+Taxation Planning | 3186AFE+3188AFE | Griffith University |
Revenue Law: Theory & Policy in action+Taxation Planning | 3186AFE+3188AFE | Griffith University |
Income tax law | 7008ABF | Griffith University |
Income tax law for accountants | 7106AFE | Griffith University |
Income tax law | 7204ACF | Griffith University |
Applied taxation+Income tax law/ Income tax | 7822GBS+7817GBS | Griffith University |
Taxation 1 | BB13A08 | Griffith University |
Introduction to taxation | LAWBB13A13 | Griffith University |
CTA1 Foundations (partial GST/ BAS requirement - Activity Statement component only) | CTA1 | HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education |
Taxation theory, practice and law | HI6028 | Holmes Institute |
Taxation law | HA3042 | Holmes Institute |
Taxation | HI5028 | Holmes Institute |
Taxation Law + Taxation Practice | LEG234+BAC206 | Holmesglen |
Taxation Law+Taxation Practice | LEG234 or BAC206+BAC307 | Holmesglen |
Advanced taxation law and practice | MPA203 | Holmesglen |
CA Tax module – post 2011 | CA Tax module – post 2011 | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
CA Tax module – pre 2011 | CA Tax module – pre 2011- tax law | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
Taxation and financial reporting | TFR101 | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
Taxation & Financial Reporting / No TASA | TFR105/104/103/102/101 | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
Taxation (1991) | TX1191 | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
Advanced Taxation Law | BX3113 | James Cook University |
Taxation Law | BX3112 | James Cook University |
Taxation | BU3112 | James Cook University |
Taxation I | CO3503 | James Cook University |
Taxation I | CO3513 | James Cook University |
Taxation law/Corporate and revenue law | CO5110 | James Cook University |
Taxation law | CO5120 | James Cook University |
Taxation law | LA4023 | James Cook University |
Taxation Law | ACC304 | Kaplan Business School |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5v3 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax Considerations in Financial Advice | FPC006_ | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5v4 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5v5 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
TASATFA Tax for financial Advising (bridging unit for DFP5 completed prior to 26/11/2015) | TASATFAv5 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DPF5V6 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial planning | BFC105 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5v1 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax for financial advising | DFP5v2 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Tax and commercial law for financial planning | FPC006 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Taxation Law | TLAW317 | Kent Institute of Business and Technology |
Taxation Law | ACC708 | King's Own Institute |
Taxation law | ACC301 | King's Own Institute |
Revenue law | 34401 | Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education |
Income tax law 3 | N/a | La Trobe University |
Accounting 1982 | 111IT | La Trobe University |
Taxation | 2141TL | La Trobe University |
The Australian income tax system | A3IT | La Trobe University |
Taxation | ACC30TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation (full year course) | ACC31TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation | ACC32TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation | ACC3TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation | ACC51TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation | ACC5TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation | BLAWT | La Trobe University |
Income tax law 3 | ITL3 | La Trobe University |
Taxation | LST30TAX | La Trobe University |
Taxation law | N/a | Legal Practitioners Admissions Board |
Taxation law | ACC857 | Macquarie University |
Taxation law | ACCG857 | Macquarie University |
CPA advanced taxation | ACCG909 | Macquarie University |
Taxation law | ACCG924 | Macquarie University |
Income tax law | BUSL319 | Macquarie University |
Revenue law/ Taxation law & practice | BUSL320 | Macquarie University |
Taxation law | LAW503 | Macquarie University |
Taxation Law | MIT665812 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Taxation law | MIT765802 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Taxation Law | MA613 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Income tax | 81309 | Mitchell College of Advanced Education |
Taxation fundamentals (FNSACC502)+Taxation for legal entities (FNSACC601) | MTL001+MTL002 | Monarch Institute |
Taxation fundamentals (FNSACC502)+Tax planning and obligations (FNSACC603) | MTL001+MTL003 | Monarch Institute |
Taxation Law | BTX3931 | Monash University |
Advanced taxation law + Taxation law | LAW4332+LAW4704 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice+Advanced Taxation | TBG2221+TBG3242 | Monash University |
Income tax law | AAF3150 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | BTB3221 | Monash University |
Taxation law | BTC3150 | Monash University |
Taxation Law | BTF3931 | Monash University |
Taxation law | BTF5965 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | BTG3221 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | BTG9221 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | BTW2221 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | BTW3221 | Monash University |
Taxation law | BTX5651 | Monash University |
Taxation law | BTX9651 | Monash University |
Income tax law | E308 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | GBU2204 | Monash University |
Taxation law 506 | LAW5152/E | Monash University |
Taxation 512 | LAW5213 | Monash University |
Taxation 530 | LAW5213 | Monash University |
Basic income tax | TAX515 | Monash University |
Taxation law and practice | TBF9651 | Monash University |
Taxation | BUS313 | Murdoch University |
Taxation | C313A | Murdoch University |
Taxation I + Taxation II | 18010 + 18011 | Nepean College of Advanced Education |
Taxation Law and Compliance | BACC302 | Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE |
Taxation Law and Compliance | BAC318 | Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE |
Taxation Practice | LW3015 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law | N/a | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law + Advanced taxation law | AYB219+ABY320 | Queensland University of Technology |
Introduction to Taxation Law | LWB364 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law and practice I | ACB572 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law | ALB132 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law | AYB219 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law | AYB325 | Queensland University of Technology |
Taxation law and practice | AYN438 | Queensland University of Technology |
Tax law for tax agent skill set (Tax documentation) (Release 1 & 2) | FNSSS00008 | Registered training organisation |
Tax law for tax agent skill set (Tax documentation) (Release 1 & 2) | FNSSS00008 | Registered training organisation |
Taxation | ACC302 | Registered training organisation |
Income tax law | AFREG201A | Registered training organisation |
Income tax law principles + Income tax law applications | 9434Q + 9434YA | Registered training organisation |
Tax law for tax agents skill set (Tax plans) (Release 1, 2 & 3) | FNSSS00009 | Registered training organisation |
Taxation law and practice | 3551G | Registered training organisation |
Income tax law for accountants | 8672P | Registered training organisation |
Tax law and compliance | ADA207 | Registered training organisation |
Income tax law for accountants | DE882 | Registered training organisation |
Apply taxation requirements when providing tax (financial) advice services | FNSTPB506 | Registered training organisation |
Taxation Law and Practice | JUST 1079 | RMIT University |
Advanced Taxation | DJ230 | RMIT University |
Taxation Law and Practice | LAW2499 | RMIT University |
Taxation 1 | AC461 | RMIT University |
Taxation 1 | BL202 | RMIT University |
Taxation 1 | BL461 | RMIT University |
Taxation law and practice | DJ225 | RMIT University |
Taxation 1 | JUST1031 | RMIT University |
Taxation law/ Taxation law and practice | JUST1079 | RMIT University |
Taxation 1 | LAW2453 | RMIT University |
Taxation law and practice | LAW2471 | RMIT University |
Taxation and Strategies for Financial Planning | E151 | Securities Institute Education |
Taxation | AC132 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation+Superannuation and retirement planning+Financial planning | ACCT2001+FINC2004+BUSN2002 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation | ACCT2001 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation law and practice | ACCT6005 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation procedures | 331 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation procedures | AC031 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation | ACC00132 | Southern Cross University |
Taxation practice/ Taxation law and practice | ACC00717 | Southern Cross University |
Income tax law | HBC616 | Swinburne University |
Taxation Principles and Planning | ACC80012 | Swinburne University |
Taxation | ACC30005 | Swinburne University |
Taxation | BC331 | Swinburne University |
Taxation | BS306 | Swinburne University |
Taxation fundamentals | CA529-001 | Swinburne University |
Taxation fundamentals | FSACC502A | Swinburne University |
Taxation | HBC331 | Swinburne University |
Taxation Issues and Planning | HBC331 | Swinburne University |
Taxation | HBC331N | Swinburne University |
Taxation | LBC301 | Swinburne University |
Taxation fundamentals | TS311 | Swinburne University |
Income Tax Law+Applied Income Tax | ACBUS203A+ACBUS301A | TAFE |
Applied Income Tax Law plus Income Tax Law | ACBUS301A plus ACBUS203A | TAFE |
Prepare tax documentation for individuals | FNSACC512 | TAFE |
Tax Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax Documentation) Release 1 & 2 | FNSSS00008 | TAFE |
Tax Law for Tax Agents Skill Set (Tax Plans) Release 1, 2 & 3 | FNSSS00009 | TAFE |
Taxation Planning | FPTAX501A | TAFE |
Australian taxation law I + Australian taxation law II | TAFESA TPB 1+TAFESA TPB 2 | TAFE SA |
Australian taxation law for tax (financial) advisers | TAFESA TPB 10 | TAFE SA |
Principles of taxation | FP505 | The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd |
Principles of taxation | FP501 | The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd |
Tax for financial advising | Tax for financial advising | The Tax Institute |
Course in Australian taxation law | CTA1+CTA2 | The Tax Institute |
Diploma of Australian taxation law | Diploma of Australian taxation law | The Tax Institute |
Tax agent's course | Tax agent's course | The Tax Institute |
CTA1 Foundations | CTA1 | The Tax Institute |
CTA2 Advanced | CTA2 | The Tax Institute |
Taxation Law | TLAW301 | Top Education Group Limited |
Australian Taxation | TLAW602 | Top Education Group Limited |
Taxation law | LAW6001 | Torrens University |
Income tax law 111 + Business taxation & GST 111 | COMMLAW3500+COMMLAW3501 | University of Adelaide |
Income taxation+Business taxation & GST | COMMLAW7013+COMMLAW7016 | University of Adelaide |
Income Tax Law | LAW3521 | University of Adelaide |
Tax, Estate and Wealth Planning | CORPFIN6003 | University of Adelaide |
Tax superannuation and estate planning | CORPFIN3003 | University of Adelaide |
Income tax law III | 3010 | University of Adelaide |
Income tax law III (can appear on transcript without unit code) | 5473 | University of Adelaide |
Income tax III/ Income tax IIH (tax agent only) | 8761 | University of Adelaide |
Income tax law III | COMMLAW3010 | University of Adelaide |
Income tax law III/Income tax law | COMMLAW3500 | University of Adelaide |
Income taxation | COMMLAW7013 | University of Adelaide |
Taxation law and practice | BL731 | University of Ballarat |
Taxation law and practice | BL916 | University of Ballarat |
Income tax law and practice | BULAW3731 | University of Ballarat |
Taxation law and practice | BULAW5916 | University of Ballarat |
Commercial law 3 | N/a | University of Canberra |
Revenue law | 4994 | University of Canberra |
Revenue law | 11221 | University of Canberra |
Commercial law M3 | 3878 | University of Canberra |
Revenue law | 4789 | University of Canberra |
Taxation law and practice | 6279 | University of Canberra |
Revenue law | 6417 | University of Canberra |
Taxation law | 7037 | University of Canberra |
Taxation for Business Decision Making | ACCT90016 | University of Melbourne |
Commercial law C3 (Taxation) | 306-323 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation law | 306-323 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation for business decision making | 306-687 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation | 730-407 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation law | 732-303 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation law/ Taxation law I | BLAW30002 | University of Melbourne |
Taxation law and policy | LAWS50046 | University of Melbourne |
Australian income tax system/ Foundations of tax law | LAWS70323 | University of Melbourne |
Foundations of tax law | LAWS70323 | University of Melbourne |
Principles of taxation + Advanced taxation law | LSSU592+LSSU593 | University of New England |
Taxation law for financial services | LSSU395 | University of New England |
Taxation law for financial services | LSSU595 | University of New England |
Taxation 1 | AC111 | University of New England |
Taxation 1 | ACC00111 | University of New England |
Taxation 2 | ACC00112 | University of New England |
Taxation law | GSB750 | University of New England |
Taxation law | LAW352 | University of New England |
Principles of taxation law | LS292 | University of New England |
Taxation law | LS352 | University of New England |
Principles of taxation law | LS392 | University of New England |
Principles of taxation law | LSSU392 | University of New England |
Taxation law | LSSU592 | University of New England |
Taxation law | MBA750 | University of New England |
Business Taxation | LEGT 2751 | University of New South Wales |
Tax strategies in Financial planning + SMSF Law + Financial Planning Advice and Ethics + Retirement Planning | TABL5527 + TABL5540 + FINS5537 + ACTL5401 | University of New South Wales |
Taxation law | 14.783 | University of New South Wales |
Taxation law | 99.783 | University of New South Wales |
Principles of Australian taxation law | ATAX0001 | University of New South Wales |
Principles of Australian taxation law | ATAX100 | University of New South Wales |
Elements of Income tax law | LAWS2051 | University of New South Wales |
Elements of Income tax law | LAWS3147 | University of New South Wales |
Elements of Income tax law | LAWS4440 | University of New South Wales |
Taxation law | LEGT3751 | University of New South Wales |
Revenue law, Taxation law, Taxation law and practice | LEGT5551 | University of New South Wales |
Business taxation | LEGT7751 | University of New South Wales |
Principles of Australian taxation law | TABL1001 | University of New South Wales |
Business taxation | TABL2751 | University of New South Wales |
Taxation law | TABL5551 | University of New South Wales |
Principles of Australian taxation law | TABL5901 | University of New South Wales |
Taxation Law | PACC6006 | University of Newcastle |
Taxation law/ Taxation | ACFI3004 | University of Newcastle |
Taxation in Australia | ACFI3170 | University of Newcastle |
Taxation A | COMM209 | University of Newcastle |
Taxation A | COMM317 | University of Newcastle |
Taxation and Law for Financial Planning | BUSN6004 | University of Notre Dame |
Advanced Taxation Law | LAWS3480 | University of Notre Dame |
Taxation | BS245 | University of Notre Dame |
Taxation | BS5153 | University of Notre Dame |
Introduction to Australian income tax | LW347 | University of Notre Dame |
Taxation Law | LA413 | University of Queensland |
Income tax law | CO324 | University of Queensland |
Income tax law | COMM3206 | University of Queensland |
Income tax law | LAWS3101 | University of Queensland |
Introduction to taxation law | LAWS5144 | University of Queensland |
Business taxation | LAWS7012 | University of Queensland |
Introduction to taxation law | LAWS7144 | University of Queensland |
Taxation | ACCT5031 | University of South Australia |
UO Taxation 1 | ACCT3016 | University of South Australia |
Taxation 1 (unit code may not be present on transcript) | BAC305 | University of South Australia |
Taxation law | 6466 | University of South Australia |
Taxation law 1 | ACCT3002 | University of South Australia |
Taxation law M - changed to Taxation | ACCT5017 | University of South Australia |
Taxation law and practice 1 (1993) | BU3137 | University of South Australia |
Taxation law | BU5373 | University of South Australia |
Tax and estate Planning | FIN320 | University of Southern Queensland |
Revenue law and practice + Reevenue law and practice II/ Revenue law and practice A+Revenue law and practice B | LAW3130+LAW3131 | University of Southern Queensland |
Taxation law | 51125 | University of Southern Queensland |
Revenue law and practice | 51130 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law and aspects of company law | 52199 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law | CO223 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law | CO323 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law | COMM3206 | University of Southern Queensland |
Revenue law and practice/ Revenue law and practice A | LAW3130 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law and aspects of company law | LAW5219 | University of Southern Queensland |
Taxation law (GST only no payroll) | LAW5230 | University of Southern Queensland |
Income tax law | LAWS3101 | University of Southern Queensland |
Tax and Business | RMBU2543 | University of Sydney |
Tax and Business | RMBU2643 | University of Sydney |
Accounting extension course in Australian taxation law | Accounting extension course in Australian taxation law | University of Sydney |
Commercial law III | N/A | University of Sydney |
Impact of tax on business structures and operations | Impact of tax on business structures and operations | University of Sydney |
Income tax law I | Income tax law I | University of Sydney |
Personal taxation | Personal Taxation | University of Sydney |
Principles of taxation law | Principles of taxation law | University of Sydney |
Taxation law and practice | Taxation law and practice | University of Sydney |
Australian Income Tax | LAWS3412 | University of Sydney |
Australian Income Tax | LAWS5112 | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation law | Centre for continuing education | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation law | 210110 | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation law | 520130 | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation law | AUSTL-5 | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation system | CLAW3001 | University of Sydney |
Australian taxation system | CLAW3201 | University of Sydney |
Concepts of Australian taxation | CLAW5002 | University of Sydney |
Concepts of Australian taxation/ Taxation Law and Practice | CLAW6026 | University of Sydney |
Australian income tax system | LAWS6016 | University of Sydney |
The impact of tax on business operations and structures/ Introduction to Australian Business Tax | LAWS6825 | University of Sydney |
Taxation and revenue law | LEC12 | University of Sydney |
Taxation strategies | BFA609 | University of Tasmania |
Taxation | BFA391 | University of Tasmania |
Australian tax law | BFA714 | University of Tasmania |
Tax 1 | BLA662 | University of Tasmania |
Taxation law | LAW351 | University of Tasmania |
Revenue Law | 34401 | University of Technology Sydney |
Financial planning and taxation | 25888 | University of Technology Sydney |
Revenue law | 76212 | University of Technology Sydney |
Introduction to taxation law | 77938 | University of Technology Sydney |
Taxation law | 79017 | University of Technology Sydney |
Revenue law | 79462 | University of Technology Sydney |
Revenue law | 794620 | University of Technology Sydney |
Taxation law | AFCC22012 | University of Technology Sydney |
Revenue law | GCC7921 | University of Technology Sydney |
Revenue law | GCCA21024 | University of Technology Sydney |
Taxation Law and Practice+Tax and Estate Planning | ACC311+FIN320 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Taxation law and practice | ACC311 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Taxation law and practice | ACC611 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Taxation | ACCT2331 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation law + Taxation of business enterprises & foreign income | LAWS2206+LAWS3363 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation law + Taxation of business enterprises & foreign income | LAWS2206+LAWS3363 | University of Western Australia |
Basic principles of the law of income taxation 362 | 200.362 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation | 331 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation 331 | 460.331 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation | ACCT3331 | University of Western Australia |
Principles of taxation | ACCT5637 | University of Western Australia |
Taxation law | LAWS2206 | University of Western Australia |
Tax planning/Taxation for Financial Planners | ACCY228 | University of Wollongong |
Professional practice-Taxation | ACCY963 | University of Wollongong |
Taxation law | LAW315 | University of Wollongong |
Revenue law | LLB341 | University of Wollongong |
Prepare income tax returns+Implement tax plans and evaluate tax compliance+Prepare complex tax returns and lodgements | FNBACC02B + FNSACCT603A + FNSACCT601A | Victoria University |
Taxation Law & Practice+Advanced Taxation | BBA214+BBA317 | Victoria University |
Taxation law of Australia | BAO6005 | Victoria University |
Taxation law | 14.783 | Victoria University |
Taxation | BAO5567 | Victoria University |
Taxation law | BLB3134 | Victoria University |
Taxation law and practice | BLO2206 | Victoria University |
Australian income tax law and practice | BLO5539 | Victoria University |
Principles of financial planning+Superannuation+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement | 200866+200867+200869+200871 | Western Sydney University |
Financial products and markets+Adviser communication skills+Superannuation+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement+Contemporary issues in taxation | 200986+200987+200867+200869+200871+200872 | Western Sydney University |
Principles of financial planning+Superannuation(EO)+Principles of taxation+Planning for retirement (EO) | 200866+900659+200869+900657 | Western Sydney University |
Taxation | 51247 | Western Sydney University |
Revenue law | 200019 | Western Sydney University |
Revenue law | 200397 | Western Sydney University |
Taxation law and practice | 616523 | Western Sydney University |
Taxation planning and implications | AC808A | Western Sydney University |
Taxation law | F3002 | Western Sydney University |
Taxation law+Advanced taxation law+Retirement and succession planning | 200187+200186+200899 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Revenue law + Planning and retirement + Contemporary issues in taxation | 200397+200871+200872 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Taxation law+Advanced taxation law+Retirement planning+Estate and Succession Planning | 200187+200186+200569+200624 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Taxation Law | AC302A | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Revenue Law (PG) | 51228 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Taxation law | 200187 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Aggregate of: Principles of Taxation; Contemporary Issues in taxation; Supperannuation; Planning for retirement | 200869+200872+200867+200871 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
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Commercial law courses
Course name | Course number | Course provider |
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers | TPB507 | AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428 |
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers | TPB507FA | AAMC Training Group - RTO 51428 |
Corporations and trusts law + Property law + Contract and consumer law | AECL001+AECL002+AECL003 | Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd) |
Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers | AETACL | Applied Education (Education IT Solutions Pty Ltd) |
Business law | BB213 | Australian Catholic University |
Introduction to law/ Introduction to business law | LEGL101 | Australian Catholic University |
Business law | ACC203 | Australian Institute of Higher Education |
Commercial law | GSF103 | Australian Institute of Management |
Introduction to commercial law+Law of business entites | BUSN1101+BUSN2101 | Australian National University |
Introduction to commercial law | BUSN1101 | Australian National University |
Introduction to commercial law+Law of business entities | COMM1101+COMM2101 | Australian National University |
Commercial law | BUSN7052 | Australian National University |
Introductory business law | LAW2101 | Australian National University |
Business law+Corporate law | LA241+LA240 | Avondale College |
Corporate law+Business law | LAWS26000+BBUS14060 | Avondale College |
Business law | LAWS10-100 | Bond University |
Business Law | BBAL201 | Cambridge International College Australia |
Commercial law G1 | 124 | Canberra College of Advanced Education |
Business law 1 | LEGL106 | Canberra Institute of Technology |
Principles of law | LEGL138 | Canberra Institute of Technology |
Law and commerce | LEGL139 | Canberra Institute of Technology |
Apply legal principles in commercial law and property law | LEGL417 | Canberra Institute of Technology |
Australian commercial law | LAWS20058 | Central Queensland University |
Commercial Law | LAWS11054 | Central Queensland University |
Australian Commercial Law | LAWS 20058 | Central Queensland University |
Introduction to legal studies /Introducing the law | CO121 | Central Queensland University |
Legal studies A /Legal studies A /Law of contract | CO222 | Central Queensland University |
Introductory and contract law | LAWS11030 | Central Queensland University |
Commercial law/Mercantile law | LAWS19031 | Central Queensland University |
Business law | LAWS20028 | Central Queensland University |
Law for management | LAWS20037 | Central Queensland University |
Introduction to business law | CML101 | Charles Darwin University |
Introduction to Legal Studies | LWZ100A | Charles Darwin University |
Commercial law | LAW514 | Charles Darwin University |
Commercial law and corporations law for managers | PRBL004 | Charles Darwin University |
Business and corporations law | LAW504 | Charles Sturt University |
Commercial law 1 | LAW5114 | Charles Sturt University |
Introduction to law | JST446 | Charles Sturt University |
Australian law and society | LAW1014 | Charles Sturt University |
Business law | LAW110 | Charles Sturt University |
Commercial law | LAW2014 | Charles Sturt University |
Legal issues for business | LAW205 | Charles Sturt University |
Commercial law/Contract law | LAW210 | Charles Sturt University |
Commercial law 1 | LAW511 | Charles Sturt University |
Business law | 202 | Chifley Business School Pty Ltd |
Business law I (1992) | N/a | Chisholm Institute of Technology |
Business law | ADM121 | Chisholm Institute of Technology |
Tax (financial) adviser (TFA) solution - commercial law unit | No code | CPA Australia |
Introduction to Business Law + Company Law for Business | BLAW 1006 + BLAW 2006 | Curtin University |
Legal Framework for Managers | LAWS5001 | Curtin University |
Fundamentals of business and corporations law | BLAW5016 | Curtin University |
Law (Business) 151/ Law 100/A | 1428 | Curtin University |
Legal environment 560 | 5934 | Curtin University |
Business law | 300673 | Curtin University |
Legal environment | 308340 | Curtin University |
Fundamentals of business and corporations law 565 | 312349 | Curtin University |
Business law | BLAW1004 | Curtin University |
Business law | BLW14 | Curtin University |
Business Law 1A | 96162 | Deakin University |
Contract + Torts | MLL111+ MLL213 | Deakin University |
Business law 1 | BSBB0131 | Deakin University |
Business law | BSBG5512 | Deakin University |
Introduction to law and contract law | MCM171 | Deakin University |
Business law/ Law for Commerce | MLC101 | Deakin University |
Commercial and Corporations Law/ Business Law | MLC707 | Deakin University |
Commercial and corporations law | MLC711 | Deakin University |
Law for managers | MLC771 | Deakin University |
Introduction to commercial law | MLM720 | Deakin University |
Legal framework/ Legal framework 1 | LAW1100 | Edith Cowan University |
Commercial law | LAW5111 | Edith Cowan University |
Fundamentals of law | BULAW1502 | Federation University - Previously University of Ballarat |
Commercial Law | BULAW5914 | Federation University - Previously University of Ballarat |
Commercial law A+Commercial law B | 40111+40216 | Flinders University |
Introduction to business law | BUSN1010 | Flinders University |
Law for business | BUSN1019 | Flinders University |
Principles of commercial law | BUSN9123 | Flinders University |
Introduction to business law | COMM1009 | Flinders University |
Principles of business and corporations law | 7823AFE | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law + Company law + Law of finance | 2105AFE+2106AFE+3105AFE | Griffith University |
The Australian Legal System | FF71A30 | Griffith University |
The Australian Legal System | FF71A30G | Griffith University |
Business and company law | 2110AFE | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | 2006ABF | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | 2006LAW | Griffith University |
Legal issues for managers | 2007PPP | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | 2105AFE | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | 2185AFE | Griffith University |
Commercial law | 3009ABF | Griffith University |
Principles of business law | 7007ABF | Griffith University |
Principles of business law | 7105AFE | Griffith University |
Principles of business and corporations law | 7159 AFE | Griffith University |
Australian legal systems | 7203ACF | Griffith University |
Business law 1 | BB11F05 | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | BB11F08 | Griffith University |
Introduction to commercial law/ Introduction to Legal Processes | FF12L10 | Griffith University |
Introduction to business law | LAW1101G | Griffith University |
Introduction to law | PPP1002 | Griffith University |
Australian legal systems+Entities and business structures+Property law | COMMLAW1+COMMLAW2+COMMLAW3 | HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education |
Australian legal systems | COMMLAW1 | HEPCo Pty Ltd trading as The Tax Institute Higher Education |
Business and corporate law | HI6027 | Holmes Institute |
Business law | HA2022 | Holmes Institute |
Introduction to business law | HI5018 | Holmes Institute |
Business and corporations law | MPA106 | Holmesglen |
Commercial law (1971) | No code | Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) |
Business Law and Ethics | BU2111 | James Cook University |
Contract law 1+Torts A - Specific torts+Torts B - Negligence | LA2011+LA2019+LA2020 | James Cook University |
Contract law 2+Torts A - Specific torts+Torts B - Negligence | LA1106+LA2019+LA2020 | James Cook University |
Business law and ethics/ Business law | BU1112 | James Cook University |
Introduction to commercial law | CO1501 | James Cook University |
Business law | CO2501 | James Cook University |
Business and the law | CO5004 | James Cook University |
Business and the law | LB5004 | James Cook University |
Commercial Law | BUS107 | Kaplan Business School |
Commercial Law | CLW1000 | Kaplan Business School |
Business and corporations law | CLWM4000 | Kaplan Business School |
Commercial Law | TASACLv2 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Economic and Legal Context for Financial Planning (Version 2 from study period 6 2019 onwards) | FPC001B (Version 2) | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Economic and legal context for financial planning | FPC001B (Version 3, study period 1 2021) | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Economic and legal context for financial planning | FPC001B (Version 4, study period 1 2022) | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Business and commercial law | BFC103 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Commercial Law | TASACLv1 | Kaplan Education Pty Ltd (T/A Kaplan Professional) |
Business Law | BLAW204 | Kent Institute of Business and Technology |
Business Law | BUS702 | King's Own Institute |
Business Law | LST1BSL | La Trobe University |
Law of Commercial Contract + Law of Business Association | LST12LCC + LST12LBA | La Trobe University |
Law of Commercial Contract+Law of Business Association | LST11LCC+LST22LBA | La Trobe University |
Law of commercial contract+Law of business association | LST11LCC+LST12LBA | La Trobe University |
Introduction to Business Law | LST51IBL | La Trobe University |
Law of contracts+Law of torts | LAW20CNT+LAW20TOR | La Trobe University |
Law of contracts+Law of torts | LAWCONT+LAWTORT | La Trobe University |
Legal studies (Commercial law) 1980 | 1AC | La Trobe University |
Business law 1 | 2141BL | La Trobe University |
Business law I | BLAWBL1 | La Trobe University |
Legal studies (Law and accountants) | L1AC | La Trobe University |
Legal studies (Law of commercial contract) | L1LCC | La Trobe University |
Introduction to business law | LST11IBL | La Trobe University |
Business law/ Introduction to business law/ Introduction to business law and ethics | LST2BSL | La Trobe University |
Introduction to business law | LST52IBL | La Trobe University |
Commercial law | LST5CML | La Trobe University |
Torts+Contracts | LAW203+LAW204 | Macquarie University |
Torts/ Legal History+Contracts | LAW103+LAW204 | Macquarie University |
Business law | ACCG851 | Macquarie University |
Business law | BUSL250 | Macquarie University |
Business law | BUSL250 | Macquarie University |
Business law | BUSL314 | Macquarie University |
Business Law | MLC101 | Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd |
The Legal Environment and Business Decisions | MIT534601 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Business and Company Law | MA506 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Commercial law | BB107 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Commercial law | DB107 | Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Introduction to law | 81108 | Mitchell College of Advanced Education |
Commercial law | 81208 | Mitchell College of Advanced Education |
MCLTFA Commercial law for tax (financial) advisers, comprising of the following units:Contract and consumer law/ Corporations and trusts law/ Property law | MCL001+MCL002+MCL003 | Monarch Institute |
Business Law | AF211 | Monash University |
Business Law+Banking Law+Corporations Law | BTF1010+BTF2601+BTX2000 | Monash University |
Business Law | BTC2110 | Monash University |
Commercial Law | TBX1010 | Monash University |
Contract 200+Torts 200 | LAWS2100+LAWS2200 | Monash University |
Business and company law | BTF5955 | Monash University |
Introduction to Business Law+Contract Law | GBU1201+GBU1202 | Monash University |
Introduction to Business Law+Contract Law | GBU1201+GBU1202 | Monash University |
Business organisations | 3250 | Monash University |
Business law | AAF2110 | Monash University |
Commercial law | BTB1010 | Monash University |
Business law/ Commercial law | BTC1110 | Monash University |
Commercial law | BTF1010 | Monash University |
Law and business decisions | BTF5903 | Monash University |
Business law | BTF9020 | Monash University |
Business law | BTW1200 | Monash University |
Commercial law | BTX1010 | Monash University |
Business law | BTX9020 | Monash University |
Business and corporations law | BTX9500 | Monash University |
Commercial law | FIN1010 | Monash University |
Business law | FIN6020 | Monash University |
Contract law | GBU1202 | Monash University |
The legal environment of business | MBA9002 | Monash University |
Introductory law | MCD1380 | Monash University |
Business law | MCD2070 | Monash University |
Principles of commercial law | BUS165 | Murdoch University |
Principles of commercial law | BUSL165 | Murdoch University |
Principles of commercial law | C165 | Murdoch University |
Commercial law | C401B | Murdoch University |
Business Law I + Business Law II + Business LLaw III | 18001 + 18002 + 18003 | Nepean College of Advanced Education |
Introduction to Business Law | ADA101 | North Melbourne Institute of Technology |
Introduction to business law | BACC101 | Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE |
Business law | BLW14 | Open University |
Law of business entities + Superannuation regulation and practice + Business law and ethics | AYB205+AYB2450+BSB111 | Queensland University of Technology |
Legal Foundations A+Torts A+ContractsA | LWB145+LWB147+LWB136 | Queensland University of Technology |
Property Law 2 | CNB193 | Queensland University of Technology |
Contracts A+ Fundamentals of Torts | LWB136+LWB138 | Queensland University of Technology |
Contracts B+Fundamentals of Torts | LWB137+LWB138 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business law and ethics | BSB111.4 | Queensland University of Technology |
Contracts + torts | LWB132+LWB133 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business law I | ACB371 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business law | ALB110 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business law | AYB120 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business Law and Ethics | AYN410 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business and corporations law | AYN456 | Queensland University of Technology |
Business law and ethics | BSB111 | Queensland University of Technology |
Introduction to law | LW3000 | Queensland University of Technology |
Corporations law + Business law and Ethics | ACC207 + BUS203 | Registered training organisation |
Commercial law I + Commercial law II | 8395F+9434R | Registered training organisation |
Commercial law I + Commercial law II | BULAW201A + BULAW202A | Registered training organisation |
Apply legal principles in consumer and contract law + Apply legal principles in corporations and trusts law + Apply legal principles in property law | FNSTPB503+FNSTPB504+FNSTPB505 | Registered training organisation |
Commercial law for tax agent skill set (Release 1) | FNSSS00005 | Registered training organisation |
Commercial law 1 | 8635MA | Registered training organisation |
Commercial law 1 | 8672D | Registered training organisation |
Business law | BBC131 | Registered training organisation |
Apply legal principles in commercial law when providing tax (financial) advice services | FNSTPB507 | Registered training organisation |
Commercial Law | LAW2442 | RMIT University |
Business Law | JUST 2226 | RMIT University |
Commercial Law | JUST1022 | RMIT University |
Commercial law of banking | AC464 | RMIT University |
Commercial law A | AC104 | RMIT University |
Commercial law B | AC105 | RMIT University |
Commercial law | AC402A | RMIT University |
Commercial law | AC402B | RMIT University |
Commercial law | BL101 | RMIT University |
Business law 1 | DL034 | RMIT University |
Commercial law | JUST1016 | RMIT University |
Commercial law/ Business Law | JUST2226 | RMIT University |
Business and corporations law | LAW2480 | RMIT University |
Commercial and contract law | LAW5025 | RMIT University |
Introduction to business law + Company law | LEGL1003 + LAWS2001 | Southern Cross University |
Legal studies | LEGL5001 | Southern Cross University |
Law and society | LA001 | Southern Cross University |
Commercial law | LA003 | Southern Cross University |
Legal studies 1 | LA101 | Southern Cross University |
Introduction to law and contract | LA130 | Southern Cross University |
Introduction to business law | LAW00150 | Southern Cross University |
Legal studies | LAW00720 | Southern Cross University |
Introduction to Business Law | LAW10001 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to Business Law | LAW10009 | Swinburne University |
Law in a Global Business | HBL111 | Swinburne University |
Corporations and Contract Law | LAW60003 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to Business Law + Law of Commerce + Finance Law | LAW10004 + LAW20019 + LAW30002 | Swinburne University |
Legal environment of business | BL101 | Swinburne University |
Legal environment of business | BL110 | Swinburne University |
Law of business organisations | BL202 | Swinburne University |
Business law 1B | BS107 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to Business Law | LAW10004 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to Business Law | LAW10004 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to commercial law | LAW10006 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to commercial law | LBL100 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to commercial law 1a | TS243 | Swinburne University |
Introduction to business law | HBL111N | Swinburne University TAFE |
Commercial Law I+Commercial Law II | ACBUS201A+ACBUS202A | TAFE |
Apply legal principles in consumer and contract law+Apply legal principles in corporations and trust law+Apply legal principles in property law | FNSTPB503+FNSTPB504+FNSTPB505 | TAFE |
Commercial law for tax agent skill set (Release 1) | FNSSS00005 | TAFE |
Commercial Law I+Commercial Law II | BULAW201A+BULAW202A | TAFE |
Commercial and Corporations Law | FPLAW501A | TAFE |
Australian commercial law I+Australian commercial law II+Australian commercial law III | TAFESA TPB3+TAFESA TPB4+TAFESA TPB5 | TAFE SA |
Australian commercial law for tax (financial) advisers | TAFESA TPB11 | TAFE SA |
Australian commercial law I | TAFESA TPB3 | TAFE SA |
Commercial law & financial advice | FP503 | The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd |
Commercial law & financial advice | FP506 | The Institute of International Studies Pty Ltd |
Commercial law for tax for financial advising | Commercial law for tax for financial advising | The Tax Institute |
Tax agent's course | Tax agent's course | The Tax Institute |
Australian legal systems + Entities and business structures + Property law | COMMLAW1+COMMLAW2+COMMLAW3 | The Tax Institute |
Australian legal systems | COMMLAW1 | The Tax Institute |
Australian Commercial Law | TLAW601 | Top Education Group Limited |
Business law | TLAW401 | Top Education Group Limited |
Business Law | LAW2000 | Torrens University |
Business law | BBC131 | Universal Business School Sydney |
Commercial law and information systems + Corporate law + Legal aspects of international business | COMMERCE702+COMMLAW7011+COMMLAW7022 | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law 1 + Commercial law 11 + Legal aspects of international business 111 | COMMLAW1004 + COMMLAW2500 + COMMLAW7022 | University of Adelaide |
Business and Corporations Law | COMMLAW7012 | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law 1H+Commercial law 11H | LL2H+EG3F | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law I (S) | 1004 | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law I (full year unit) (can appear on transcript without unit code) | 3349 | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law I (S) | 6362 | University of Adelaide |
Commercial law I/Commercial law I (S) | COMMLAW1004 | University of Adelaide |
Fundamentals of law | BL502 | University of Ballarat |
Commercial law | BL914 | University of Ballarat |
Fundamentals of law | BULAW1502 | University of Ballarat |
Commercial law | BULAW5914 | University of Ballarat |
Business law | 11220 | University of Canberra |
Introduction to business law | 4977 | University of Canberra |
Introduction to law | 4991 | University of Canberra |
Business law G | 6225 | University of Canberra |
Torts+Contracts | LAWS50025+LAWS50029 | University of Melbourne |
Legal issues for accountants | 306-686 | University of Melbourne |
Commercial law A | 341-101 | University of Melbourne |
Principles of business law/ Introduction to business law (can appear on transcript with or without hyphen in unit code) | 732-103 | University of Melbourne |
Legal issues for accountants | ACCT90015 | University of Melbourne |
Principles of business law | BLAW10001 | University of Melbourne |
Introduction to Business Law | LSSU251 | University of New England |
Issues in business and corporations law/ Issues in commercial and financial services law | LSSU594 | University of New England |
Principles of Australian law+Legal studies+Law of commercial associations | LSSU450+LSSU451+LSSU591 | University of New England |
Issues in commercial and financial services law | LSSU394 | University of New England |
Commercial law I: Principles of Australian law | GSB410 | University of New England |
Legal studies | GSB748 | University of New England |
Introduction to business law | LS151 | University of New England |
Introduction to business law | LS251 | University of New England |
Commercial law I: Principles of Australian law | LSSU450 | University of New England |
Legal studies | LSSU451 | University of New England |
Legal studies | MBA748 | University of New England |
Contracts 1+Torts | LAWS1071+LAWS1061 | University of New South Wales |
CONSTRUCTION LAW | BLDG1281 | University of New South Wales |
Business Law | ZBUS8109 | University of New South Wales |
Business and the law | TABL2710 | University of New South Wales |
Framework of Commercial law + Law of companies, trusts and partnerships | ATAX0004+ATAX0009 | University of New South Wales |
Law in society | 14.601 | University of New South Wales |
Legal environment of commerce | 14.774 | University of New South Wales |
The legal environment of business | 14.971G | University of New South Wales |
Legal environment of commerce | ACCT14774 | University of New South Wales |
Framework of commercial law | ATAX0004 | University of New South Wales |
Business and the law | LEGT1710 | University of New South Wales |
Legal environment of commerce | LEGT1711 | University of New South Wales |
Legal foundations for accountants | LEGT5512 | University of New South Wales |
Law for business | LEGT5513 | University of New South Wales |
Legal environment of commerce | LEGT7711 | University of New South Wales |
Business and the law | TABL1710 | University of New South Wales |
Legal foundations of business | TABL5511 | University of New South Wales |
Legal foundations for accounting | TABL5512 | University of New South Wales |
Law for business | TABL5513 | University of New South Wales |
Foundations Of Law | LAW101 | University of Newcastle |
Foundations Of Law | LAW101 | University of Newcastle |
Contracts+Torts A | LAWS3004B+LAWS2003A | University of Newcastle |
Contracts+Torts A | LAWS3004A+LAWS2003A | University of Newcastle |
Foundations of law | LAW1010 | University of Newcastle |
Foundations of law | LEGL1001 | University of Newcastle |
Business law | BS240 | University of Notre Dame |
Business law | BS5155 | University of Notre Dame |
Law of Torts A+Law of Contract A | LAWS1113+LAWS2111 | University of Queensland |
Law of Torts B+Law of Contract B | LAWS1114+LAWS2112 | University of Queensland |
Legal Environment of Business | CO812 | University of Queensland |
Introducing the law | CO121 | University of Queensland |
Business law | CO122 | University of Queensland |
Business law | COMM1201 | University of Queensland |
Business law | LAWS1100 | University of Queensland |
Foundations of Business Law | COML 1001 | University of South Australia |
Financial advice regulatory and legal obligations | COML5017 | University of South Australia |
UO Financial advice regulatory and legal obligations | COML5018 | University of South Australia |
UO Business law+UO Companies and partnership law | LAWS1019+COML2020 | University of South Australia |
Foundations of business law+Companies and partnership law | COML1001+COML2005 | University of South Australia |
Law of contract+Business law (unit code may not be present on transcript) | MLW101+BLW103 | University of South Australia |
Business Law + Companies and Partnership Law | LAWS1018 + COML2005 | University of South Australia |
Introductory law 1 | 20 | University of South Australia |
Introductory law 2 | 1091 | University of South Australia |
Introductory law 1 | BU1126 | University of South Australia |
Introductory law 2 | BU1131 | University of South Australia |
Introduction to law | COML1001 | University of South Australia |
Commercial law M | COML5009 | University of South Australia |
Commercial and corporations law M | JUST5017 | University of South Australia |
Introduction to law | LAWS1002 | University of South Australia |
Commercial and corporations law | LAWS5009 | University of South Australia |
Australian commercial and corporations law | LAW8500 | University of Southern Queensland |
Introduction to business and company law | LAW1500 | University of Southern Queensland |
Introduction to law + Business and consumer law + Law of business organisations | LAW1101+LAW2104+LAW2106 | University of Southern Queensland |
Business law | 51123 | University of Southern Queensland |
Law and business | 55505 | University of Southern Queensland |
Introduction to law+Law of business organisations | LAW1101+LAW2106 | University of Southern Queensland |
Commercial law | LAW5201 | University of Southern Queensland |
Australian law and business/ Law and Business | LAW5503 | University of Southern Queensland |
Business Law | RMBU1235 | University of Sydney |
Torts and Contracts II | LAWS1017 | University of Sydney |
Law I+Law IIA | Not appl | University of Sydney |
Legal Environment of Business + Corporations Law | Claw5001+Claw6002 | University of Sydney |
Basic business law | BUSL250 | University of Sydney |
Commercial transactions A/Foundations of business law | CLAW1001 | University of Sydney |
Legal environment of business | CLAW5001 | University of Sydney |
Business Law | BFA506 | University of Tasmania |
Business and corporate law | BFA601 | University of Tasmania |
Commercial law and estate planning/ Commercial law and financial services regulation | BFA514 | University of Tasmania |
Commercial transactions | BFA141 | University of Tasmania |
Business law | BFA706 | University of Tasmania |
Principles of business law | BMA141 | University of Tasmania |
Principles of business law | LELA71 | University of Tasmania |
Introduction to Law | 16851 | University of Technology Sydney |
Applied Company Law + Business Law and Ethics + Contemporary Business Law | 79014+79203+79708 | University of Technology Sydney |
Business Law and Ethics | 79203 | University of Technology Sydney |
Commercial Law | 79267 | University of Technology Sydney |
Commercial law 1 | 22160 | University of Technology Sydney |
Introduction to law | 70110 | University of Technology Sydney |
Advanced commercial law | 79018 | University of Technology Sydney |
Business law | 79202 | University of Technology Sydney |
Contemporary business law | 79708 | University of Technology Sydney |
Law for business and company law | 79101K | University of Technology Sydney |
Business law and ethics Part 11 | LAW402 | University of Technology Sydney |
Business Law and Ethics | BUS203 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Business law and ethics | BUS103 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Principles of commercial law | BUS503 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Law and society | LA001 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Introduction to law and contract | LA130 | University of the Sunshine Coast |
Australian Legal Principles and Institutions | LAWS1120 | University of Western Australia |
Legal Framework of Business 100 | 450.1 | University of Western Australia |
Australian Legal Principles and Institutions + Company Law | LAWS1220+LAWS2301 | University of Western Australia |
Commercial and Company Law | LAWS8508 | University of Western Australia |
Legal Framework of Business 100 (450.100) | Legal Framework of Business 100 (450.100) | University of Western Australia |
Principles of Commercial Law 520 | 450.52 | University of Western Australia |
Introduction to law 104 | 104 | University of Western Australia |
Introduction to law 104 | 200.104 | University of Western Australia |
Introduction to law | LAWS1104 | University of Western Australia |
Commercial and Company Law | LAWS5508 | University of Western Australia |
Law in Society | LAW100 | University of Wollongong |
Law, Business & Society/ Introduction to Law | LAW101 | University of Wollongong |
Business Law I | ACCY161 | University of Wollongong |
Contract Law A+Law of Torts | LLB120+LLB240 | University of Wollongong |
Contract Law B+Law of Torts | LLB170+LLB240 | University of Wollongong |
Business Law + Corporate Law | BAO1105 + BAO2205 | Victoria University |
Business Law+Law of Organisations | BBL131+BBL231 | Victoria University |
Business Law + Company Law | BLO5537 + BLO5538 | Victoria University |
Business Law | BAO5537 | Victoria University |
Business law principles/ Principles of business law | WDB1002 | Victoria University |
Financial advice, corporations & commercial law | BAO7008 | Victoria University |
Business law | BLO1105 | Victoria University |
Establish business and legal requirements | BSBSBM401A | Victoria University |
Enterprise Law | 200909 | Western Sydney University |
Introduction to business law | 700004 | Western Sydney University |
Law of business organizations+Introduction to business law | 200183+200184 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Law of business organisations + Law of commercial obligations + Enterprise law | 200183+200554+200909 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Property law + Law of business organisations + Introduction to business law | 200012+200183+200184 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Commercial Law (PG) | 51226 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Business transactions law | D2012G | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Business transactions law | D2707G | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Introduction to legal principles | 61511.1 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Introduction to business law | 200184 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Commercial law | 200432 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Business law | CDC125 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Introduction to business law | F1012 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Commercial law | LAWS5508 | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |
Business Law | LW110A | Western Sydney University (previously University of Western Sydney) |