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1691 results found
REP 454 Funeral insurance: A snapshot

Released 29 October 2015 This report is for providers of funeral insurance products, consumers of these products and other interested parties (e.g. ...

REP 453 Response to submissions on CP 235 Proposed amendments to ASIC market integrity rules for the Chi-X investment product market

Released 29 October 2015 This report highlights the key issues that arose in the submissions received on Consultation Paper 235 Proposed amendments ...

REP 452 Review of high-frequency trading and dark liquidity

Released 26 October 2015 This report presents findings from our 2015 reviews of high-frequency trading and dark liquidity. This report: builds ...

REP 451 Book up in Indigenous communities in Australia: A national overview

Released 13 October 2015 This report is for providers of book up in Indigenous communities and government and other agencies that work with ...

REP 450 Market integrity report: 1 January to 31 June 2015

The market integrity report highlights some of ASIC's achievements from 1 January 2015 to 30 June 2015, and outlines our key priorities for the rest ...

REP 449 Overview of decisions on relief applications (February to May 2015)

Released 28 September 2015 This is a report for participants in the capital markets and financial services industry who are prospective applicants ...

REP 448 Overview of licensing and professional registration applications: January to June 2015

Released 23 September 2015 This report outlines ASIC’s decisions on applications for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2015 (relevant period) ...

REP 447 Cost of consumer leases for household goods

Released 11 September 2015 This report sets out ASIC’s findings on the costs charged by providers of leases of household goods. In undertaking our ...

REP 446 ASIC regulation of corporate finance: January to June 2015

Released 21 August 2015 This report is for companies, lawyers, corporate advisers and compliance professionals working in corporate finance. It ...

Rep-445 - REPORT
REP 445 Review of interest-only home loans

Released 20 August 2015  This report is for holders of Australian credit licences (credit licensees) and highlights the importance of responsible ...

Last updated: 20/10/2014 12:00