388 Copy of financial statements and reports

Form 388      
Description Copy of financial statements and reports
Purpose Public, large proprietary, small proprietary foreign-controlled companies, registered schemes and trusts must lodge a copy of financial statements and reports annually accompanied by this form. The form is also used to notify appointment of an auditor to the company (but not a scheme).
Applicable Fees 388A ~ Public company or disclosing entity No fee
  388B ~ Registered Scheme No fee
  388C ~ supplementary (company) No fee
  388D ~ supplementary (registered scheme) No fee
  388H ~ Large Proprietary company that is not a disclosing entity No fee
  388I ~ Small proprietary company that is controlled by a foreign company No fee
  388J ~ Small proprietary company or small public company limited by guarantee that is requested by ASIC to prepare and lodge statements and reports No fee
  388K ~ Trust (disclosing entity) $1,485
  388L ~ Tier 2 public company limited by guarantee No fee
Lodging Period

Disclosing entities and managed investment schemes - 3 months after the end of financial year.

All other companies required to lodge statements and reports - 4 months after the end of financial year. Small proprietary companies and small public companies limited by guarantee can be directed to report to ASIC under s294 and s294B respectively, the lodgement period will be included in the direction.

Reports amended after lodgement with ASIC - 14 days after amendment

Late Fees

$96 for up to one month late

$401 for over one month late

Legislation References

Corporations Act 2001\294

Corporations Act 2001\294B

Corporations Act 2001\295

Corporations Act 2001\298-301

Corporations Act 2001\307

Corporations Act 2001\308

Corporations Act 2001\319

Corporations Act 2001\321

Corporations Act 2001\322

Corps Regulations 2001\1.0.08

Corps Regulations 2001\2M.3.01

Corps Regulations 2001\2M.3.03

Related Forms Related Information
Online Lodgement

for Auditors

for Company officeholders

for Registered agents

Paper Lodgement

Not applicable

Last updated: 30/06/2024 02:00