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924 results found
11 October 2006 - SPEECH
Corporate governance: An IOSCO perspective

Edited transcript of a presentation by ASIC Deputy Chairman Jeremy Cooper to OECD-ADBI 8th Round Table, Tokyo 11 & 12 October 2006 Background ...

1 October 2006 - ARTICLE
Teaching your children that money stays in the pocket

An article by ASIC Chairman Jeffrey Lucy published in The Daily Telegraph, October 2006. Note: The world has changed since 2006, and so has the way ...

6 September 2006 - SPEECH
ASIC's Super Strategies: 2006–07

A speech by Jeffrey Lucy AM, ASIC Chairman to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia, 6 September 2006. Introductory comments The ...

4 September 2006 - NEWS ITEM
The integration of financial regulatory authorities – the Australian experience

A paper presented by ASIC Deputy Chairman Jeremy Cooper to Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, 4-5 September 2006, Brazil. What does our financial ...

17 August 2006 - SPEECH
Directors' responsibilities: The reality vs the myths

A speech by ASIC Chairman Jeffrey Lucy to the Australian Institute of Company Directors, 17 August 2006, Melbourne. Introduction Directors are ...

2 August 2006 - SPEECH
Regulatory Futures: Where to on Wealth Management?

An address by ASIC Chairman Jeffrey Lucy to the IFSA Annual Conference:Connect 2006, 2 August 2006, Gold Coast. Introduction Your conference ...

5 July 2006 - SPEECH
What you want to know about ASIC

Presentation slides from an address by ASIC Deputy Chairman Jeremy Cooper to the Australian Shareholders Association, 5 July 2006. A snapshot of ...

1 July 2006 - ARTICLE
Questions to ask your financial adviser

An article by ASIC Chairman Jeffrey Lucy published in The Daily Telegraph, July 2006 Note: Laws regarding financial advice have been reformed since ...

26 May 2006 - SPEECH
Managing conflicts of interest in the Australian financial services industry

A paper presented by ASIC Deputy Chairman Jeremy Cooper to the Securities & Derivatives Industry Association, 26 May 2006, Melbourne. Broad ...

5 April 2006 - SPEECH
ASIC: Facing regulatory challenges in 2006

An address by Jeffrey Lucy AM, ASIC Chairman, at The West Australian Events Program: Leadership Matters, 5 April 2006, Perth. Good Morning. I would ...

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Last updated: 04/07/2023 01:14