CP 223 Relief for externally administered companies and registered schemes being wound up: RG 174 update
Released 25 August 2014. Comments close 20 October 2014.
This consultation paper sets out ASIC’s proposals for updating our guidance in Regulatory Guide 174 Externally administered companies: Financial reporting obligations and AGMs (RG 174) and revising our class order relief currently in Class Order [CO 03/392] Externally administered companies: Financial reporting relief.
This paper attaches a draft updated version of RG 174, which describes when we will give financial reporting relief to externally administered companies and registered managed investment schemes being wound up, and when we will give AGM relief to externally administered public companies. We are seeking feedback on our proposed guidance.
Download CP 223 (PDF 286 KB) | Read the media release
- Attachment to CP 223: draft updated Regulatory Guide 174 (PDF 409 KB)
Read the report on submissions